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The brunette woke up covered in mud. She had been sleeping in the mud. "Where am I?" She muttered to herself. She got up and realized she was naked which made her scream. She quickly covered herself before calling for help.

She began to walk towards some noise. The brunette fell over a branch causing her to scream. "Hello?" An unfamiliar voice shouted. "Oh my god!" The brunette looked up to see two people staring at her.

She quickly covered herself in shock. "Who are you?" The male asked. The brunette couldn't remember her name. She looked around the forest and her eyes laid on a tree. "Aspen." The blonde girl in front of her stepped closer. "Where are you clothes?" Aspen shook her head. "I don't know, I don't even know where I am."

The two looked at each other. "Where did you come from?" The female asked. "I don't know." Aspen replied. "I'm Clarke, that's Finn. We can help you." Aspen nodded in worry, she didn't know these people at all.

Clarke gave Aspen her jacket. It was large so it covered her perfectly. "How old are you?" Clarke asked the brunette. "I can't remember anything." She looked at the ground. "My group can help you."

They finally made their way to the camp. Where Aspen was stared at. They made their way to the dropship where Clarke handed Aspen some clothes.

When Aspen came back Clarke was arguing with another male. "That's her?" He walked closer to Aspen. He touched her cheek with his hand.

Clarke quickly pushed Bellamy away noticing how awkward she felt. "Sorry that's Bellamy." Aspen was quite shy and felt horrible about flirting with Bellamy, but why?

Clarke grabbed her arm. "Let me show you around." The walked outside to see many people working. "Here's our food." Clarke showed a box full of nuts. "That's it? Don't you have other food?" Clarke giggled. "Sorry we don't have chocolate." Aspen and Clarke both laughed but soon interrupted.

"Hi." Two voices said in sync. They both turned to the two boys. "That's Monty and that's Jasper." Clarke introduced the two boys standing I front of them. "And who might you be?" Monty asked. "Aspen."

Clarke pushed the boys away and continued showing the brunette around. The conversations began short and boring. Clarke had more important things to do so she sent Aspen to her tent for some rest.

Aspen was not tired but more worried about the people around and the screaming outside. She had no clue why there was screaming but it terrified her.

She sat in Clarke's tent pacing. Suddenly someone was opening the tent. "Clarke?" Aspen whispered. It was Clarke, she grabbed Aspen and took her into the dropship. "What's going on?" Aspen looked around to see people fighting and people dying.

Tears dripped from Aspen's eye, she didn't know many of the people but she was still very scared. "The grounders have come to attack us, we'll be safe in here for now." Clarke began to push Aspen to the top of the dropship so she'd be safe. More yelling was hear from down stairs.

People were fighting. Suddenly there was a huge noise and then the whole dropship starting moving. Aspen when flying around the top of the dropship. She hit her face off of the wall, her nose began to bleed. She touched her face, and her friends were covered with blood.

Aspen began to groan. Clarke appeared in front of Aspen worried and scared. "Oh my god Aspen." She quickly covered her nose to stop the bleeding. Their was some tears shed from Clarke's eyes, she cared for Aspen.

They were friends.

Chocolate → Clarke GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now