Chapter 28. Chaos! [Edited 7/2/19]

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It didn't take long for trouble to find us. Ninja from the Sand village decided to follow us, so I had to stay behind and fight them.

The fight led us deep into the village, they lured me away from the rest of my team. There were only two left at this point. And my chakra was running low, I would have to release my power at some point.

Instead, I decided to use stealth tactics. I could have used the only lightning style jutsu I had but that would take too much energy because it wasn't one of my two affinities. I let Reiko's chakra leak through the barrier, turning my body invisible.

"Where'd she go?" The two ninja stood back to back.

I crept around the two, climbing up a tree and resting on the branch. Readying two senbon needles, I spotted the points in their thighs that render them immobile. With remarkable precision, I struck them both in the leg. They cried out in pain as I hopped down, revealing myself.

"I want you two to know that you're on the losing side of this war," I spoke, my voice low. The two ninja had fear in their eyes as I knocked them out.

A large snake crashed into the building next to me, it's forked tongue flicking out, and it's beady eyes landed on me. That Orochimaru must have been behind all this destruction and death. And he must have manipulated the sand into helping him.

Most of my own chakra had been drained, but I still had Reiko and Tenshi. Launching myself at the snake, I let Tenshi's chakra slip through the barrier, his fire flowing through my chakra network. I performed the hand signs for the jutsu I created, "Fire Style: Blades of Glory!"

Flames extended out of my palms, taking the form of a sword. The large summoning snake found me. It's diamond shaped bead dove for me, mouth wide open. I leapt into the creatures mouth. My body went right through the snake, the blood evaporated before it could reach the surface of my skin. I exited the snake through the top of his head. His body slammed into another building that had already been evacuated.

"Good work, Hatake!" Ibiki Morino stood atop a building to my left, his dark cloak swayed in the wind, the shiny leather glinting in the sun. Then his hard eyes landed on the swords still set aflame. I quickly snuffed out the fire. "Thanks!" I saluted the man before hopping away into the forest to go find my teammates and Shikamaru.

According to Asuma, who had come to help, he saved Shikamaru when he stayed behind to let the others go on.

There wasn't enough time to lecture the pineapple haired boy on how to not be stupid and let himself get killed, because there was darkness looming in the air. It forced the hairs on my arms to rise, and the air to grow colder than usual.

By the time I had already made it to Naruto and Sakura, they had already found Sasuke and Gaara. But Sakura had been injured in battle and Naruto was trying his best to fend off the red-headed boy in his tailed beast state. This was going to be no easy task.

First, I had to heal Sakura and Sasuke. I needed to draw up more chakra from the beasts to be able to heal them. "Sasuke, how is it that every time I'm not here you manage to get yourself injured?" I crouch down in front of him, performing hand signs.

A green glow enveloped my hands and I pressed my palms against his chest and it rose with a sharp intake of breath. "Hn. Well then I guess I'm lucky you're always there to save the day." He voiced sarcastically, his dark eyes not meeting mine. He wasn't taking the fact that Naruto was fighting and he was sitting here doing nothing very well.

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