No More Cloudy Skies

Start from the beginning

I looked up at Kazuto, who was looking down at me. 

"You know what I need right now?", he asked. 

"Hmm?", I said. 

"A kiss before you leave.", he said, blushing. 

My face turned bright red as I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed Kazuto on the lips. He put his hand behind my neck and pulled me closer to him. 

"You know...", he said between kisses. "I think I like the... dress"

I giggled. 

"I have to go to work. I'm pushing the time as it is.", I said, standing flat footed again and smiling up at my husband. 

"Aww. Well, I guess I'll cook when you come back and we can have a movie night.", he said, giving me one last squeeze, then letting me go.

"I'll look forward to it.", I said, picking up my purse and then walking out the door. 

I walked down to the car and got in. I had thirty minutes to get to work, which was plenty of time. I had just enough time to stop by starbucks on the way there. Starbucks was my addiction. 

I drove halfway across town and pulled into the Starbucks drive through. There weren't many people here at this hour, so I pulled up to the window and ordered a venti white chocolate mocha. The girl in the window handed me the cup and I went to pay for it. 

"Oh, no need. The person in line ahead of you paid for your coffee.", she said. 

I smiled. 

Of all the awesome things that had happened today, I think this was just the cherry on top of the sundae.

I took a sip of my coffee and then made my way to the rehab center. When I pulled in, Stacy's car was still here. She was the person who had the shift before mine. I got out, taking my coffee with me, and walked in through the employees entrance. 

My locker was still untouched, and my punch card was still in its spot. I punched in, then put my purse in the locker and walked down the hall to the front desk. Stacy was just putting a clipboard in its place and gathering her things when I walked in. 

"Yo.", she said, looking up at me. 

I smiled at her. She had short, dyed black hair, and tons of piercings on her ears. I didn't exactly like it, but I didn't judge her for it. People liked different things, and who was I to judge her. She was actually a really nice girl, who had just gotten married to a guy she really liked. 

"Hey, Stacy. How are you?", I asked. 

"I'm great. Kou and I are getting along really well.", she said. 

"That's good.", I said, walking behind the counter and setting my coffee down. 

"Yeah, he took me out for a concert the other night. It was my favorite band and they were in town for one night only. I was super psyched when he told me. ", she said. 

I laughed and then sat down. 

"Well, I better go. Kou's waiting at home and he told me that he had a hard day at work, so I'm gonna go cook him supper.", she said, heading out the door.

I looked at the computer and logged in. It had been a while since I was here. The last time I'd been here was right before the wedding, the night before the bachelorette party. I'd have to do a ton of work to make up for my prolonged absence. I was supposed to work a couple days ago, but I got sick. I remember thinking I was pregnant, but then that time of the month rolled around. I was disappointed, but then again, it's still pretty early in the marriage to be having kids. It was over, so it was a possibility now, but I preferred not to think about it. 

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