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Song: Stone Cold by Demi Levato

I don't normally listen to her, but this song just gets my feels going.


"Dad," Peter's lip quivered, his voice breaking.

Tony finally stood up to check on his sobbing son. His knees were still wobbly as he made his way to Peter. Steve's dead flesh still lay there, a hollow reminder of Tony's mistakes.

"Is Pops-?"

Tony just nodded miserably, sitting down on the couch. He covered his face with his hands, pressing his palms into his eyes to hold back the tears.

"What are we going to do?" Peter sniffed, tears still leaking from his eyes, "He took Wade. Is he still alive? Is there a way to bring him back?"

Tony wanted to speak, but for the first time in his life he didn't have an answer. He wanted to die; to give up. His husband was dead because of him, but he need to stay strong.

He needed to stay strong for Peter.

"Peter," Pietro spoke cautiously, nearly forgotten in all the commotion, "You need to calm down."

Peter looked at the crippled man with tears still streaming down his face and two sobbing newborns in his arms. Pietro's eyes were watery with sympathy for Peter's family and anger for the darkness that once took his own twin sister.

"You need to calm down or else they'll never stop crying," the white blonde spoke.

Peter sniffed and nodded, wiping his wet cheeks with his shirt clad shoulder.

"Bruce, is there anything we can do?" Peter asked miserably, "I just want him back."

Bruce sighed and leaned against the wall, "I think the best thing for you to do right now, Peter, is get some rest."

Peter's throat felt tight again, a clear sign that the tears were coming back.

"W-what?" His voice cracked.

"You need rest-"

"My Pops just died horrifically and the love of my life was stolen from me, and you want me to take a nap!?" Peter was outraged.

"I understand you've been through hell these last 24 hours, but you still have responsibilities! If you want to die from dehydration, exhaustion, and blood loss, be my guest. But you're a parent now and no one is going to take care of your kids better than you."

Peter bit his lip. He knew Bruce was right, he just didn't want to believe it. Looking down at his beautiful twins made him both happy and sad. They were blessings and a curse. Peter looked over at his dad, but the brunette man was still mourning. He sat on the couch, staring at the floor as if it held all the answers.

"I'll see what I can do about finding Wade," Bruce said after awhile of silence, causing Peter's head to snap up, "but a trip to the Cimmerian might be one way."

"I'll go-"

Pietro abruptly cut off his sentence when Tony popped up from the couch. Everyone stared as the brunette swiftly walked out of the room, fingers switching madly.

"Dad!" Peter tried to call out to him, but it was no use. He only hoped his dad wouldn't do anything stupid. He looked down at his kids, half smiling because at least they were getting some rest now.

"You most certainly are not going," Clint said, bringing them back to their previous conversation.

"Why can't I? I've got nothing to lose," the Russian man said, gesturing to his paralyzed legs. Clint took a knee beside his lover's wheelchair and yanked his face up roughly so their eyes met.

"You've got me to lose," the archer said firmly. Pietro bit his lip, but nodded in understanding.

"Can you send me there?" Peter asked Bruce. The older man, busy with a white bed sheet in his hands, looked up.

"I don't know, Peter. I've got to find a way to get you back, too," Bruce explained. He unfolded the sheet in his hands and draped it over Steve's corpse that still lay on the floor, eyes wide open.

Peter looked away.

"I'll figure something out," Bruce said once he was done covering Steve, "but for now, please get some rest."

Peter sighed broken heartily. He wanted his Pops back. He always knew what to do in these situations. The thought of going on without him made his eyes sting with tears again.

He tried to go to sleep, but it was hard without Wade by his side. He'd grown so used to it, but he'd still try to sleep. He'd get rest if it meant Wade would come back to him quicker.


Short but I wanted to update because ily XD

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