"You should be ashamed of yourself. Wanting to punish your Mate for telling you the truth. You know that he was being honest. He is never rude. I can't even look at you right now."

Avi took Mitch out of the room, leaving Scott by himself. The blond began to cry, wondering why he ever did that. Yes, he loved Alex. Yes, he wanted him back; however, he is married to Mitch now. He can't love another person because of this. Mitch came first.

I just told Mitch that I loved Alex more. Why did I ever do that?


Ben ran a hand up and down Mitch's back, frowning at the finger-like bruises on his face and arms. The Alphemga cried loudly as Tori brushed his hair back, her heart breaking for the sweet man.

"Mitchy, baby. Calm down. You can't stress out."

"But I can't stop," Mitch sobbed out, putting his chin on his hands. Jessi frowned, rubbing the Alphmega's knee softy. "I thought that he was my prince and that I was his princess. I thought he loved me more than anything. Now he doesn't love me anymore. What did I do wrong?"

His face crumpled as another wave of tears ran down his cheeks, putting his hands over his face. Avi sighed as he looked at Tori, shaking his head. She frowned, empathetic for Mitch. He took a deep breath, managing to breath calmly.

"I felt like he used his height and body strength against me. All I could think about was him hurting me like Jeremy did because they're both tall and muscly. I'm shorter and skinny so anyone similar to Scott and Jeremy's body structure and height scare me. I thought he was going to beat me up. I was so scared."

Mitch began to cry again, wanting to be held. Tori caught the drift and put him into her arms, kissing his forehead gently. Ben and Jessi shook their heads, the both of them feeling their hearts break for him as Avi shook his head angrily, wanting to put some sense into Scott.

"I'm going to beat him up. No way is he going to lay a hand on Mitch or scare him like that. If you use your height to scare someone, I lose all respect for you."

"Honey, he's the Lead Alpha. You have to respect him."

"No I don't. The moment any Alpha uses their strength, height, or both to scare an Omega is the day they are no longer considered Alphas in my book. Respect is earned, not given."

Tori sighed as she nodded in agreement, kissing Mitch's forehead once more. She hears him snoring, giggling a bit as she laid him down. She was about to leave with everyone else when she felt a small hand on her wrist, causing her to look back. It was Mitch, his big eyes full of unshed tears.

"Please stay with me? I want at least one person to reassure me that they still love me and never leave."

Tori frowned as she laid down, hugging Mitch tightly. She could feel the tears wet her shirt, the sobs echoing in the house. She ran her hand up and down Mitch's back, shushing him gently.

"Baby, it's okay. It'll all be okay. I'm right here. I love you."

At least someone sill loves me.

Mitch continued to cry, holding onto Tori the entire time. During that time, Scott overheard everything. He slid down his door, tears falling down his cheeks as he began to cry quietly. He sobbed suddenly, hoping that no one heard him. He wiped his eyes, wanting Mitch to be back in his arms.

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