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Alyssa cried onto Tori's shoulder, her body shaking with every sob. Scott and Avi sat next to each other, tears running down their faces. Mitch had his head on Scott's lap, crying heavily as he tried to keep his sobs from echoing across the hospital. Ben and Jessi held onto each other, crying silently in fear that if they cried loudly everyone else will cry harder and they didn't want that.

Kevin is brain dead.

Kevin is brain dead.


"Family of Kevin Olusola?"

Is brain dead.

"Yes?" Alyssa asked, trying to keep herself together. The twins were sitting on Avi's lap while Jordyn and Melody were next to him, sleeping in their little baby carriers. "Is it time?"

"We're turning off the machines. You could still see him if you want to."

Alyssa fell onto her knees, crying loudly as she screamed. The man she loved, married, made love with, had children with, and fought with is dying and there is nothing she could do about it. She felt someone pick her up, trying to make her stable so she wouldn't fall. The nurse looked at the family sadly as she looked at her clipboard once more and raised an eyebrow, confused by something.

"I'll be right back."

The nurse ran off, hoping to find Kevin's Doctor in time. She smiled when she saw him, running up to him immediately. The doctor widened his eyes a bit, nodding slowly.

"It states here that Kevin Olusola is brain dead."

"Yes it does. We're pulling the plug today."

"But this has incorrect information. We do not have a doctor here that goes by J. Lewis. We have an imposter on our hands."

"Wait, so that means..."

"We have the wrong files. The doctor who diagnosed Kevin probably didn't even see him. Someone must be pulling a trick on the Pack."

"Well, I guess we must find Kevin's files to find out if he is okay."

"I know exactly what his real diagnosis is. It's-"

"May I see my husband one last time?" Alyssa asked, her voice shaking. The Pack was behind her, all on similar states of sadness. "Please."

"We found out that Kevin was misdiagnosed. Someone was pulling a prank on you guys."

"Wait," Scott spoke up, quite confused. "Are you trying to say that..."

"Yes, I am. Kevin is stable enough to wake up. He is not brain dead."


Alyssa held Kevin's hand, hoping just for a little squeeze. The doctor managed to find Kevin's real files and told her that he will be in the coma for another week or less. He is, however, suffering from a minor brain injury and temporary paralysis, but with some psychical therapy, he will be better in no time.

"Beta Alyssa?"

She turned around, smiling when she saw Mitch's tiny figure standing by the door way. With the oversized sweater he was wearing, he looked like a little child and it made him look more innocent than he already is. He skipped to Alyssa and sat down on the extra chair, smiling at her sweetly.

"Scott said I could stay with you, but I have to be by your side entire time. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all. You are not bothering me at all."

Mitch smiled then frowned slightly as he thought back to the interview. A question that Alyssa answered kind of bothered him but not as much as the answer did. What did she mean by mentality of a child?

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