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"I told you she was alive! I told you, but you didn't listen to me!"

Kevin sighed as Alyssa continued to rant, making sure that she didn't exert herself. She pushed his hand away angrily, shaking her head as she glared at him.

"You didn't listen to me! I knew it was going to happen, but you didn't care! You refused to listen to me! Now something bad is going to happen and we can't stop it! You should have listened!"

Kevin sighed to himself, not knowing how to reply to his wife. The twins were fast asleep, missing their nice beds. They just want to go home!

"I'm sorry, babe. I should have listened to you at that moment."

"Yeah, you should've."

Kevin wanted to yell at his wife, but he knew better than that. He knew that yelling will get the couple nowhere so he just shut up. Alyssa laid down, refusing to look at her husband.

"I'm sorry, Alyssa."

"Sure you are."

That angered Kevin to no end. He pushed back his chair, glaring at his wife. The scraping of the chair on the floor made Alyssa jump and glare back at her husband.

"Stop...blaming...me! I'm sorry, but just like any other normal person, I didn't have believed you because I thought Kirstin was died!"

"I don't care! You should have listened! Relationships are built in trust, something that you don't have!"

"Wow, okay. Sorry for being realistic. Sorry for not trusting you when you saw someone who has been dead for a year now. Sorry for not being honest."

"This has nothing to do about honest! This has to do about the fact that you didn't listen to me! I'm hurt!"

Kevin shook his head, knowing that this argument was stupid. Alyssa scoffed, looking away from her husband. He walked away from her, going to the door so he could leave. He turned back to her once more, his glare burning onto her back.

"If we can't listen to each other, maybe we should just have a divorce."

Alyssa gasped, her eyes filling up with tears. Kevin realized what he said and walked back up to his wife, shaking his head. He put a hand on her shoulder, bringing it back when she flinched.

"Alyssa, I didn't mean that! Ple-"



"Go. If you want a divorce, then a divorce is what you're going to get. Go, now."

Kevin walked away from her reluctantly, tears falling down his cheeks. He could hear the sobs of his wife echoing in her room, scolding himself for being the reason why she was crying. He closed the door, sliding down it as he cried, sobbing quietly as he covered his face.

What I have done?


Avi and Tori giggled, happy to be back home. Jordyn squealed loudly, smiling when she remembered her surroundings. The eight month year old wanted to see her friend.

Right now.



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