Chapter 5: Caught in the Act

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Here is a slight smut chapter! YEY! I saw a lot of Eruri while finding this picture, it almost wasn't worth it, I HATE ERURI. Sorry, just my opinion... They are both too dominant to be with each other, in my opinion. You can ship whatever you like, but Eruri is my NOTP. Erwin x Eren on the other hand, I ship Eren with everyone in the show except the Annie and Mikasa, sorry not sorry..

Erwin's POV-

I'm going to make sure this Eren gets whats coming to him, Levi's mine. Using my trusty connections, I've figured out that Eren is a college student at Maria Uni. Not only do I have the poor boys number, I also have his address and school schedule. He will be on brake for another three hours, enough time to meet him and destroy him. I only plan on talking to him, but if worse comes to worse, I'll kill him.
Call me crazy, but when someone touches your man, they get hurt. The only downside to meeting him is I have no idea what he looks like, could he be stronger than me? Doubt it. I might as well get this over with.

I pulled my phone out an dialed his number, it rang a few times before I heard a sweet voice on the other side ask, "Hello?"
"Hello, this is Erwin of the Survey Corps, can I meet up with you this afternoon?" He went silent for a moment before replying, "Uh, yeah! I have a while before I need to return to my classes! Where do you want to meet?" I thought for a moment, I guess if he comes here, I won't have to leave, "Do you know where our building is located?"
Eren responded right away, "Yeah, I'll head down there right now Mr. Smith! See you in about twenty minuets. Oh, wait, how do I see you?" This kid has no common sense, "Just tell the front desk people you have an appointment with me. I'll tell them to look out for you." I heard his breathing quicken, was he running? "Okay sir, I don't know what this is about but I'll be there soon." He said a quick "good bye" before hanging up, this kid sounds easy to crack, a few words and he's done.

------------------------------------------------------- Time Skip --------------------------------------------------------

"Hello, I'm Eren!" I looked up from my paperwork to see the worlds most cutest boy ever. He had smooth but messy brown hair, and blue-green eyes that had bits of gold embedded in them. He was slightly taller than Levi, but not as strong. I started to lose my focus, dammit, his eyes were beautiful. "U-uh yeah. take a seat." Why am I stuttering? I waited for him to pull up a chair before continuing, "Do you know a Levi Ackerman?"

He slightly nodded while narrowing his eyes in thought, "Yeah, that's my neighbor, I believe he's vice president here?" He's making it seem like they aren't together, "What kind of relationship do you have with him?" Eren looked confused for a moment, almost as if he had no idea what I was talking about. "I wouldn't consider him a friend yet, more like an acquaintance, why?"
He must be lying, right? Unless Levi was, "Okay, well.~" He blushed, maybe I can have some fun of my own. If he wasn't Levi's, than I might as well take advantage of the boy. "I-is t-there anything else you wanted, s-sir?" I wanted him, no, more like needed him. I wanted to feel his body writhe beneath me. I wanted to hear him call my name aloud.
"Yeah, are you dating anyone?" Obviously I don't want to date the kid, but he would make a great toy. If he's single, he'll be mine. "No, my last boyfriend was in high school." I nodded, perfect, not only is he gay, but he also hasn't been with anyone for a long time. That means he hasn't has sex lately. "So you haven't had sex in awhile... Shame."

His blush grew to a full on beet red, "W-what does that have to with anything? I'm a virgin as well, so I haven't had sex at all." So I get to taint him first, hm? Might as well tell him the truth, "Because I think you're sexy, and I would love to have sex with you."
He began to rub his thighs together uncomfortably, "You're sexy too b-but we just met." At least I was getting somewhere, "That's what makes it better, trust me.~"
I flashed him my most sexiest smile and a manipulative look. He seemed to loosen up a little, "I mean, I am very inexperienced and I hardly know you." I sighed softly, "I can teach you some stuff, and don't worry about knowing me, I will make sure to treat you afterwards." I winked, than smiled as innocently as I could, maybe if I seemed sweet, he'll crack! He seemed to be pounding his options but finally replied, "O-okay, I guess we could." I apprehensively stood up, and walked towards the boy, he was already pulling his bag off his shoulder. I felt kinda bad for stealing his virginity than leaving, but oh well...
After removing his sweatshirt, I unbuttoned my shirt, and took off my bolo tie. He looked worried- or was he ashamed? Why would he be ashamed, shouldn't he feel proud? I pulled my shirt off and sat him on top of my desk before I slyly crawled my hand up his shirt.

He was blushing madly, barely containing the hardly-audible moans that crept through his lips every so often. I slowly moved my head towards the crook of his neck, sucking slowly upon contact. His skin was silky-smooth to the touch, and held a very lovely scent. It almost smelled like Levi, but still held a more dominant smell of sweet-spicy.(Levi was with Eren before, therefore his scent runbbed off) I moved down to his collarbone, biting down gently, earning a light moan from the boy.

Part of his shirt revealed his shoulder ever-so-slightly, I decided that the more skin shown- the better, so I yanked it down a little further. Still wasn't enough for me so I lifted the hem of his shirt, I was met with a strong yet still weak six-pack. At least the kid was trying to get one, but I didn't mind; it meant that I could dominate him easier. I lifted the shirt a little more before I abruptly stopped at his cherry-red nipples. I leaned down and took one into my mouth, sucking than biting down, probably leaving a mark. Hell, I probably already gave the kid a few bite marks and some hickeys. Eren finally moved his hands from his face and placed them on my shoulders, moaning louder. (this is the scene from the photo)

I heard someone walking up to the door before- without warning- pushed it open, "Hey shitwin, I need you to sign some pa-.. pers.."

Levi's POV-

Stupid work, I need Erwin's signature on all these- shit. I pushed away from my desk and walked towards the elevator, papers in-hand. I sighed as the numbers slowly ticked off to his floor- he had his own fucking floor! The doors finally opened to the floor I was forced to go to, and I walked up to his assistant's desk. I felt sorry for her- she had to work under the biggest fucker ever...
I tapped on her desk to gain her attention before asking, "May I go see the asshole who surprisingly owns his own business? Or in other words- Erwin?"
She nodded, snickering silently, "Yeah, he's not busy, may I ask what your business with him is?" Really? She was blushing and stared into my eyes, anticipating an answer, "I need papers signed." I replied, waving the papers in her face. She nodded understandingly, "Oh, sure. Go on ahead. He had someone in there, some random kid, but I believe he already left."

I silently judged the rooms' cleanliness while she talked, only replying with 'umhm' every once-and-awhile. When she finally shut her never ending mouth, I walked to his office, only to be stopped right in front of the door. Did Erwin have a boyfriend? I heard soft but very sexy moans. It sounded vaguely familiar, I'm a virgin though, surprising, I know. So that means it wouldn't be a previous lover, who is it? Might as well figure out, I pushed the doors open, "Hey shitwin, I need you to sign some pa-.. pers.."

I should've just waited, there sat Eren, shirt halfway off, redder than a tomato, with Erwin licking him. What the actual fuck. At the moment I felt as if I was going to cry, but my instincts kicked in before I could. I threw the papers aside, and ran up to Erwin. He was already trying to back off Eren, too slow.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and punched him squarely in the nose. "Levi!" I heard Eren yell out to me, but I ignored it and continued to punch him, aiming for his nose, hopefully it breaks. As if the world knew my wish, I heard the sweet crack of his nose. I punched again, but the next was stopped by a pair of arms that circled around my waist, "Levi, stop. I don't know why your doing this, but stop." I let go of Erwin and twisted around to meet those lovely eyes of his.

And in the moment I wasn't thinking, just looking deeply into those gorgeous eyes. Maybe that wasnt the best idea though, because soon after I was being pulled back by an even stronger pair of arms. Eren's eyes widened in what I guessed was fear, fear of what this man behind me might do. But before he could, I swung around once more and punched him in the gut. That stopped him immediately, he doubled-over and puked out what I assumed was his lunch, breakfast, and previous dinner. I stepped back, forgetting completely about the boy still latched onto my back. I tripped on his feet, sending us both flying backwards.

I fell in his arms.

I pulled him into my lap, fixing his shirt and hair before sitting up. It was soooo tempting to just kiss him then and there, but that wouldn't win him over. After pulling him up, sending him flying to my chest, I sighed. He giggled and hugged me once more before removing himself from me and grabbing his bag off the floor. He headed out with an "see ya' later" I soon followed after flicking Erwin off.

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