Chapter 16: Im back

Start from the beginning

*flashback in a flashback*

I saw him sitting across the room talking to Shereen. I never seen him before but i knew Shereen because she worked for me. The way he spoke and look with so much confidence drawed me to him. He didnt look like the person who would shy away from any challenge.

I admired the way he carried himself and just had a want to get to know him.

I realized i was staring but before i could look away he glanced my way. He smiled and i felt as if my heart just exploded in my chest. Yes, im gay. If you hadnt caught on yet. And before i knew it my legs had took on a mind of its own and carried ist way towards there table. His eyes still on me as i made my way over there.

"Hey Shereen" i spoke as if she was the reason i came over here.

She turned clearly shocked to have seen me ,"H-Hey Boss" she blushed and looked elsewhere as if embarassed to see me in public. Oh well i wasnt here for her anyway.

"Boss this is my Brother James, James this is my boss D-Derek" she stuttered but i ignored her and reached my hand over to shake his. He happily accepted my offer and shook it, our hands lingering together longer than normal.

A cough brung us out of our trance.

I turned my attention to Shereen to see she looked very uncomfortable. Hehe funny.

"Well i best be off" i spoke but befor ei left i grabbed a napkin and quickly wrote my number on it giving it to James discreetly.

Then without any further words walked away with a smile.

*weeks later*

Me and James have created such a wonderful relationship. We talked almost everyday and it was constantly filled with flirting.


Me: How about we take this to the next level :)

J: And what might you mean by that my ole lovely companion

I laughed a bit before replying.

Me: How would you feel about being in a relationship with me?

J: i would feel....

Estatic :)

My heart swelled at the hought that he wanted a relationship with me as well

Me: Well would you like to be my boyfriend?

J: no

And just like that my whole world shattered. I couldnt even look at the next incoming text because i felt so numb. I thought we were really developing a good relationship maybe that was just in my mind. Another message came in but i simply ignored it. I didnt want to text anyone right now for fear of being hurt a second time.

I know im suppose to be some big bad drug lord but i still have feelings im just really great at hiding it. I have a great poker face and you would never know that my heart is crushing on the inside. And even if i told you, you wouldnt believe me.

Settling into bed i decided to look at the messages i recieved. I couldnt be hurt worse then i already have been.

J: I would love too.
J: Sorry, too far?

I began typing my heart fluttering back to life but still very well hurt.

Me: yeah just a bit, but im glad you would love too.

J: <3 Goodnight Derek

I smiled.

Me: Goodnight!
Me: James<3

And with that I went to sleep.

*End of inside flashback*

Hearing he died ate me alive. We had developed such a great relationship and were even planning to move in together sooner or later.

Looking at Shereen i knew she was ready to burst on whoever did this. Hell even i was ready to attack

"Who did this?" i spoke sharply trying to hide my pained heart.

"Jasmine Centina from the rival gang" as soon as he said that i jumped up on my mission.

Im coming for you Jasmine!

*end of flashback*

"YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID?" I yelled unable to hide my hurt and anger towards this girl.

"You killed my lover" i spoke this time my voice cracking. Thinking about him hurt my heart so badly. I was so depressed without him.

Confusion was drawn on her face.

"James" i seethed out his name. And woth that one word her eyes went wide. Yeah she knew exactly who i was talking about.

I lifted my gun up slowly aiming it at Jasmine," and now im going to take your lover."

With a quick movemebt i face my gun towards Kiara.


Then i ran out of the house not sparing them another glance.

I hope she suffers like i did.

I miss you James.

A/N : thanks for reading i decided to do a different pov to let you guys in on who and why they have targets on their heads.

Hope you enjoyed

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