"So, this is true then?" Simon asks and Louis wonders how he seems so calm about the whole endeavor.


"Save it, Styles." He says. Louis moves away from Harry, standing frightened by the bed.

"You're not mad?" Louis asks, timidly.

"Quite the contrary." Louis furrows his eyebrows, "I'm infuriated. And I do suppose you should start packing, Mr. Tomlinson."

"W–What?" The small boy questions, dumbfounded.

"You heard me. You're off the competition."

Louis' world stops in that moment. His breath catches in his throat and he shakes his head quickly.

"No, no, no. You can't kick me off!"

"Actually, I can. Having an affair with a judge is completely against the rules and it leads to favoritism. How do I know that you weren't sleeping with him just to get through the competition?"

"I wasn't sleeping with him!" Louis argues meekly.

"You can't do that to him." Harry speaks up. Simon raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms over his chest.

"And why not? Don't think nothing is going to happen to you either. He's a minor."

"He's seventeen. It's consensual." Harry says, looking down.

"And you're twenty-seven. You think that's right?" Simon asks.

"It's my choice." Louis pipes up. Simon rolls his eyes.

"Well, your choice has led you to getting kicked off this competition. I want you packed up and out of here in an hour. And as for you, Styles, you will be put on watch and everything you do is to be told to me. Understand?"

Harry looks at Louis and sighs sadly.

"I said, do you understand?" Simon asks again, voice rising. Louis flinches at the sound and Harry nods solemnly.

"Come with me." Simon says, gripping Louis' arm and pulling him out of the room roughly. Harry stands up and follows.

"Y–You're hurting me." Louis stutters, Simon's grip on his arm tightening.

"Simon, don't touch him." Harry says, angrily, resting his hand on Louis' waist. Simon clenches his jaw.

"You're sick. Manipulating a boy to do what you please. When this show is over, you're gone. I don't want to see you ever again." Simon sneers.

Louis pulls his arm away from Simon and sniffles softly.

"He didn't manipulate me. You just don't understand." Louis whispers, "We'll keep talking even if I'm all the way in Doncaster."

"No you won't. I'll make sure you two don't have any communication." Simon says. He pushes Louis to his room and the small boy follows grudgingly.

He grabs the suitcases he brought and placed them on his bed. Harry stands by the doorway, running a hand through his hair and messing with the rings on his hands.

At some point Zayn comes in and sees the commotion and freezes dead in his tracks.

"What's going on?" He asks, looking between Louis and Simon.

"He's leaving. Get out of here." Simon answers. Zayn moves to say something but Louis shakes his head. He continues packing, eyes filling with tears every once in a while. Simon stands by him, calling a car to pick him up and drive him back home.

"This isn't fair." Louis whispers, once he's packed and standing at the front door. Harry frowns and moves to hug him but Simon pushes him back. Harry seems to snap then and he pushes Simon away, yelling profanities.

"Get your fucking hands off of me." He seethes as Simon moves to push him back.

"This is for your own good." Simon says and Louis sees him nodding towards some people waiting outside the house.

"Escort Mr. Tomlinson out." He says calmly as Harry struggles against him. Louis feels two rough arms grip his shoulders and he's being pushed out of the house, being led to a black Range Rover with tinted windows.

"I love you, okay?!" Harry calls out as he continues to try and pry himself from Simon's grasp.

Louis turns around and gives him a teary smile, biting his bottom lip before whispering, I love you too.

He turns again and shuffles into the car, letting the door slam behind him. When he's driving away he lets himself fall apart.


poor Louis.

what do you think is going to happen next? Take a wild guess.

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