Chapter 41- Oh snap

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                        Dani's P.O.V (A week later)


After I got my new phone set up I have been texting Late Nite Reading and Timmy a lot. I talk to Dalton the most. We have gotten to be really good friends. They're all really funny. Right now I'm texting Dalton.

Dani- "So what's up?"

Dalton- "Messing with Clayton while he makes Brady and I burritos"

I started cracking up. Kellin looked at me weird.

"What's so funny?", He asked.

"Just something Dalton said", I said still giggling.


Dalton- "Guess what?"

Dani- "What?"

Dalton- "Clayton and I are gonna be at Warped tomorrow"

Dani- "Oh my gosh! I totally forgot we're gonna be in Indiana! We are gonna hang out all day. Got it?

Dalton- "Haha that's what we planned on doing."

Dani- "Good because I would force you to even if you didn't :P"

Dalton- "Oh no I'm so scared ;)"

I laughed again.

Dani- "You should be xP"

Dalton- "Haha ok whatever you say"

looked at the clock. Crap. It was late. Everyone else went to bed.

Dani-"I'm going to bed. I'm the only one awake they left me haha. I'll see you tomorrow. Text me when you get here. Goodnight!"

Dalton- "Alright haha goodnight."

I walked over to my bunk and crawled in. I fell asleep almost instantly.

                        Kellin's P.O.V


Dani has been texting Dalton non-stop ever since she got his number. It's really bothering me. I feel like she likes him more then me. She always laughs at the stuff he says. She always smiles too. That's basically all she does is text him. She texts Clayton a lot too but not as much. I went to bed early because I couldn't just stand there while she texts Dalton. I'm not going to be able to sleep. At least she can only text him and she can't see him in person.

                        Dani's P.O.V


"Get out of bed!!!"  I groaned. What idiot is screaming at this early. I grabbed my pillow and threw it at whoever was yelling.

"Ow!" It was Justin.

"Shut up! I'm sleeping!", I yelled

"I don't care", He said. Then he grabbed me and pulled me out of my bunk and I fell on the floor.

"Douche", I muttered. He just laughed and walked away. I stood up and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Dalton.

"We're leaving now. Be there in like 20 minutes"

Jayy Von Monroe is my brother!? (BOTDF fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now