Chapter 36- Fixing everything

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                                          Dahvie's P.O.V


Earlier Dani told me about what Kellin did. I am so pissed. How could he do that to Dani and his fans. I mean Dani had nothing to do with it. He shouldn't have taken it out on her. I swear once I find him I'm gonna kill him. I was walking around looking for him. After a few minutes I saw him walking. I walked up to him. I grabbed him arm and pulled him behind the bus we were near.

"Dude what's wrong with you?!", He yelled at me.

"Shut up!", I yelled. He stopped talking and just looked at me.

"Why would you break up with Dani for no reason?! Don't you realize how much she loves you?! All she does is lay her bunk and listen to music while she cries! What the heck is wrong with you!? She even cut herself again because of you! She hasn't in like a month but she just did yesterday! She called me crying her eyes out! You're lucky I don't beat you up right now!", I yelled. He just stared at me. I slapped him in the face. 

"I knew that Jayy shouldn't let her date you. You're just a douchebag", I said. He looked at me surprised.

"Sh-- she cut herself because of me?", He asked. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Yeah and you don't even care", I said.

"Well actually I was going to go get back with her. Justin talked some sense into me and I realized I was wrong and shouldn't have listened to Juliet.", He said slowly. I didn't know that.

"Oh" was all I said, "Sorry about that"

"It's fine I kinda deserved it.", He said, "Now I gotta go find Dani" Then he left. I felt kinda bad since I screamed in his face and slapped him.

                                        Kellin's P.O.V


I couldn't believe Dani cut herself again because of me. I'm such a horrible person. I caused her to cut. I need to get to the bus quickly to apologize. Also later I need to tweet my fans and tell them I'm back in the band. When I got back in the bus I walked right to Dani's bunk. Like Dahvie said she was laying in her bunk listening to music. I could see a few tear stains on her face. Her arm was wrapped up like she sprained it. I felt so bad I wanted to cry seeing her like this. She looked at me.

"Umm can we talk?", I asked quietly. She just nodded. She sat up. 

"Not here", I said. I gently grabbed her arm and she got out of her bunk. She silently followed me out to the field where I would always sit. We both sat down.

"I'm sorry", I said. She looked at me weird. "I shouldn't have broken up with you just because Juliet said that. I also shouldn't have quit. A little bit ago Justin came and talked to me and made me realize I was wrong. I feel horrible for doing that to you and hurting you like that. Matty told me yesterday that you got in a fight with Juliet about it. I'm sorry that happened because of me. I just hope you're not mad at me for doing that....Also if you would be willing to take me back."I said. She just stared at me for a second. Then she leaned forward and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back. Then she kissed me on the cheek.

"It's alright Kellin.", She said. We both stood up. I looked at her arm.

"Sooo what happened to your arm?", I asked. Hoping she would tell me the truth about it.

"Ummm", She said thinking of an excuse, "I fell on it"

"How did you fall on it?", I asked playing along.

"I ummm..... tripped?", She said it as more of a question then an answer.

"Dani", I said. I sighed. "Dahvie told me about what happened. You don't have to lie" Then she started crying. I hugged her.

"I---I'm sorry I couldn't help it.", She said crying, "I just couldn't figure out what I did and I just couldn't--" She couldn't talk she was crying so much.

"Dani it's ok. But if you feel like doing it again just please tell me", I said. She nodded.

"Ok I will. I promise", She said.

"Ok. Do you want to go back to the bus now?", I asked. 

"Yeah" While we were walking back I held her hand.

When we walked onto the bus Justin, Gabe, Jesse, and Jack were all sitting on the couch. When they saw us walk in they all ran up and hugged me. Dani let go of my hand and went to the back lounge. 

"I'm so happy you're back to normal!", Jesse said. 

"Ok thanks now all of you get off of me!", I yelled. They all backed away. "Thank you" I walked to the back lounge and sat next to Dani.

"Movie night?", I asked her. She smiled.

"Yeah", she said. I got up and put Batman in and turned it on. Then I sat back down. 

"You know me too well", She said smiling.

"How could I not know you love Batman? I mean you have Batman shoes and you talk about him all the time", I said laughing. She shrugged.

"True", She said. We got about ten minutes into the movie until Jack, Jesse, Gabe, and, Justin opened the door.

"Movie night!", Justin yelled. They all jumped onto the couch and started watching the movie. I shook my head and laughed. We watched to movie until we all fell asleep.


I hope you all like this chapter :) Sorry it took a little longer to update. I have been pretty busy. I won't be updating for a while. I leave for camp tomorrow and I don't come back until Friday afternoon. So I will try to update by next Monday but I'm not sure when I will have time. I just wanted to finish this chapter before I left for camp. I think the next chapter will have a lot of drama. I'm not totally sure but it might have some. I'll try to make it where you don't wait a week for a boring chapter. Anyways see you guys next week :)

Chapter Song- With You Around - Yellowcard

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