Chapter 30- Anger

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                        Dani's P.O.V


     When I woke up the next morning Kellin wasn't there. I got out of his bunk and walked to the living room. It was empty. They were all gone. I wonder where they went. I walked of the bus and walked the Jordan's bus. It was right next to ours. I knocked on the door. Jordan opened it.

"Do you know where Kellin went?", I asked.

"Yeah they're at practice", He said.

"Oh ok", I said. 

"If you want you can hang out here with Madison and I until he gets back", He said. I was not being the third wheel.

"Nahh that's fine I'll just go find Andy", I said.

"Alright see ya later Dani", He said.

"Bye" Then he closed the door. I started walking around looking for Andy. After a couple minutes I found him by a vending machine. He looked really angry.

"Come on you stupid thing!", He yelled. Then he kicked the machine. It hurt his foot. I just laughed to myself. I walked up to him.

"What are you doing?", I asked. He looked at me.

"The stupid thing ate my dollar! All I wanted was a Coke!", He said. 

"Calm down geez", I laughed. I grabbed a dollar out of my pocket and put it in the machine. I clicked on Coke. Then after a second the bottle of Coke came out. I grabbed it and handed it to Andy. 

"Now was that so hard?", I asked smirking at him. When he saw the Coke his face lit up.

"Thanks Dani", He said. Then he gave me a hug.

"No problem", I said laughing. He really wanted a Coke.

"So why aren't you hanging out with Kellin?", He asked after he took a sip of the Coke.

"He is practicing right now", I said.

"Ohhh I see", He said.

"Jordan invited me to hang out on his bus with him and Madison but I didn't want to be the third wheel", I said. Andy just laughed.

 "That would be awkward", he said.

"Do you wanna come back to Kellin's bus and watch a movie with me? I'm bored", I said. He laughed.

"Sure let's go", He said. We walked back to the bus. 

"Ok I'll get snacks you pick the movie", I said when we got on the bus. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed almost all of the junk food we have. Which is a lot. Kellin is addicted to sugar. Then I made some popcorn. I grabbed all the food and walked into the back lounge. Andy already picked out the movie and was sitting on the couch. I walked over to him and sat beside him.

"So what movie did you pick?", I asked.

"You'll see", He said. He seemed really excited. He clicked the play buttom.

"Why am I not suprised?", I laughed. It was the new Batman movie.

"Batman is the best, duh", He said laughing. We sat and watched to movie and ate snacks. About half way through I heard the door slam shut. Then someone stomped in the bus. Then the door to the back lounge burst open. Juliet was standing there.

"Andy sweetie I've been looking for you", She said.

"Uhh I have been watching Batman with Dani", He said quickly.

"Well you should be watching movies with your girlfriend not Dani. She has her own boyfriend to watch movies with. She doesn't need you", She had this smile that looked like it was painted on her face.

"Kellin is practicing right now so she asked me to watch them with her", He said. 

"Well she can watch the movie by herself now, I want to hang out with you", She said. "Come on"

"I'll see you later Dani", Andy mumbled as he stood up. He walked over to Juliet. She looked at me

"No he won't", She mouthed to me. She grabbed Andy's hand. He jumped a little bit because of how tightly she grabbed his hand. Then she pulled him of the bus. What the heck just happened?

                             Andy's P.O.V


  Juliet pulled me off the bus. She dragged me all the way to my bus. I'm scared. When we got on my bus she slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Why are you hanging out with her!?", She yelled at me. I flinched.

"She is my friend", I said trying to avoid eye contact. 

"I don't care! She is a stupid slut that is going to try to make a move on you!", She screamed.

"She would never cheat on Kellin", I said.

"Yes she would she is a little slut! She would hook up with anyone!", She yelled.

"Dani isn't a slut", I mumbled.

"Excuse me?!", She asked.

"She isn't a slut", I said.

"Yes she is and we both know it", She said.

"No she isn't", I said trying to stay calm.

"Yes she is!", She yelled. I looked up at her.

"Shut up!", I screamed at her.

"What did you just say to me!?", She yelled glaring at me. 

"Uhhh", I said.

"You don't ever yell at me again!", She screamed. Then she slapped me in the face. Hard. I fell back. I touched my face. It stung.

"Now! If you ever yell at me again it will be so much worse!", She yelled. Then she grabbed the tv remote and hit me in the face with it. I fell down. She got in my face.

"If I ever catch you watching a movie with that slut again",She threatened,"You don't even want to know what will happen." I just nodded. I stood back up. Then Ashley walked onto the bus.

"Alright I will see you later babe", Juliet said. Then she kissed me cheek and walked off the bus. Ashley just gave me a strange look. He shook his head and walked into the kitchen. I went into my bunk and layed down. Gosh, my face hurts. I hate Juilet so much.


Sorry it's sorta short. I hope I didn't take to long to upload. I have been kinda depressed this week so I haven't felt like uploading. I actually feel worse today but I needed to update.  Hope you liked it anyways. 

Chapter Song - The Depths - Of Mice And Men

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