"Hey, that hurts my feelings." Natsu peered with his arms crossed and slowly leaned towards Lucy who only rolled her eyes, "The one who's feelings are hurt are mine!"

"This is a really nice room." Happy beamed nearing his claws to the walls but I swooped him up by the back of his little bag and held him in full arm's length, carrying him as far away from me as possible, "We just got this house so don't go scratching the walls, pal."


"Ayumi." I corrected once again, showing him a darkened smile which made him shudder.

I looked over to the cat's partner only to see the said boy pick up a pile of papers from Lucy's study table, "Huh? What's this?"

"Don't-" It was too late since Lucy already used her magical kick, successfully sending Natsu flying away, which I too experienced just yesterday.

"That just makes me want to know that even more! What is that?" Natsu pouted.

"What does it matter to you? Would you please just get out of here?" Lucy exclaimed with her eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment while hugging her unfinished written story.

"No way! I came here to play with you and Ayu!" Natsu said in response while pinching both my cheeks from behind me while I pinched his hands to get it off me.

"Ayumi, your cheeks are getting red." Lucy teased with rounded eyes. Her hand covering her puffing cheek and smiling lips. I know where this is going.

"She likeeees youuu~!" Happy said playing along, giggling with Lucy.

I hung my arm around his neck and pulled him next to me, pinching Natsu's cheek back with equal amount of strength with a smirk, "Yeah, it's our love language."

I turned to face Natsu to tease him more, however in doing so, our noses accidentally touched since he was also looking back at me.

Both of us blushed in surprise and embarrassment due to the closeness. I let go of him and both crawled backwards with an awkward cough.

"What are we witnessing,," Lucy muttered to Happy while taking out a notepad and a pencil.

"A weird duo, that's for sure." Happy said while watching us frown at the blonde and him.


Lucy sat on her one-seater couch on the other side of the table while we three sat on the ground staring up at her. Her face rested on her palm, her lips letting a sigh escape from them, "We just moved here! We don't have entertainment for you guys so promise me you'll go home after you've finished your tea."

"Such a cruel person.." Natsu complained to Happy who nodded at him, they both were under the impression that we were deaf, "Aye."

"Cruel?" Lucy repeated with sweat drops falling down her head.

"Oh, yeah! Lucy, show me all those key guys." Natsu exclaimed to Lucy before turning to me, "And Ayu, what's your magic?"

"It's not key guys, it's spirits.." Lucy corrected, her eyebrows curled.

"So, how many have you made contracts with, Luce?" I asked before taking another bite on my sandwich.

"Six bodies, you count them as bodies." Lucy explained holding out her keys then laid all of them on the table by their kind.

"These silver ones are sold from stores. The clock, Horologium, The southern cross, Crux and The harp, Lyra." Then she gestured her hand to the golden keys on the other side, " And these made of gold opens the 12 doors of the Zodiac, they're super rare! The golden bull, Taurus, The water bearer, Aquarius and The giant crab, Cancer!"

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