[Chapter 11] Two for the Price of One

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-Joey's POV-

I watched the clock on Lisa and Shane's DVR. Minutes felt like hours; seconds felt like minutes. It was only 10:45a.m. I walked over to their fridge and opened it. There was practically nothing on the shelves. I rolled my eyes - Lisa lied to me. I shut the fridge and plopped back down on the couch.

I picked up the remote and turned the TV on. Keeping up with the Kardashians was on. I scoffed in disgust and immediately changed the channel. Nothing was on. I leaned back into the couch, watching The Bachelor, when Corny jumped up and sat beside me.

"Hey, Corny!" I exclaimed, picking her up and setting her in my lap. I began to pet her and Corny relaxed, resting her head on my thigh.

When the clock struck 12:15p.m., I jumped up and bolted out of the house to go to Meghan's.

I drove over to her house, listening to the radio. Bopping my head like I was at a rock concert.

When I passed by her house to get to her driveway, I noticed her front door was slightly opened and some other car was parked in front of her house. I couldn't put the owner to it, but I swear I've seen it before. I parked my car and walked up to it. I knocked on the door, not even, I barely touched it, and it glided open. I gasped, seeing her in the center of the room, tied up in a chair with a rolled up cloth was tied around her head, covering her mouth. She was jumping up and down, bring the chair with her, trying to get out of the ropes holding her in.

"Meghan!" I shouted, running up to her and pulling the cloth down so it hung loosely around her neck. "Who did this to you?"

Her eyes widened. "Joey! Behind you!" She shouted instead of answering me.

I turned around and briefly saw a person whip out a frying pan and smack me in the head with it. I fell to the floor and moaned in pain. It was clear that the person wanted me out, because they stepped on my back with their boot and hit me with the frying pan again, but harder.

-Kidnapper's POV-

I watched as Joey's head dropped on the floor in unconsciousness. I smirked and looked up, Meghan was staring at me. I waited for her to do something, but she just sat their like a statue.

I rolled my eyes, pulled the gun out of my back pocket, and cocked it. I aimed the gun at her head and she screamed. Her cry for help was stopped abruptly when the bullet flew out of the barrel and pierced through her forehead. Blood began to drip from the small hole and run down her cheek.

I brought my hand under her chin and tilted her head up, "Can't have you remembering this and calling the police, now, can we?" I snickered.

I playfully waited for her response and frowned, pushing her over so that she fell to the ground and lay sideways with the chair still attached to her.

I flipped over Joey and spun him around. I grabbed his wrists and dragged him out to my car. My accomplice was taking the van for an inspection...stupid-ass state of California with their stupid-ass vehicle regulations.

I opened the back seat door and sat his body in one of the seats. I buckled the seat belt around him so it looked like he was just sleeping. I tore off my glove, licked my thumb, and cleaned the small amount of blood that was on his face. I ripped my mask off and fixed my hair and looked in the reflection of the window. Even after wearing a black ski mask in 80 degree weather, my blonde hair still managed to look good. I smiled and hopped in the driver's seat.

I saw one of his neighbors walk out of their house. I gasped and quickly went to turn on the ignition. After a few tries, the engine roared to life and I slammed on the gas pedal.

While I was driving to the abandoned building where we took all of our captives, Joey happened to wake up. "W-where am I?" He questioned.

I picked up the gun from the passenger's seat and pointed it at him, "Shut up and say nothing if you want to live."

He put his hands up in defense and stared at me. "You?"

"I said shut up." I reminded him. "I'm not afraid to shoot."

He made the motion of him "zipping his lips" and looked out the window. I dropped the gun back on the passenger's seat and pulled into the gravel driveway that lead to the abandoned building.

"Why are we at...?"

I quickly pointed the gun at him again. "I'm about to fucking kill you. Shut the fuck up."

He looked down at his lap and gulped.

I got out of the driver's seat and pulled Joey out of the car. I pinned his arms behind his back so he couldn't resist as I lead him to the cellar doors.

"Why are you taking me here?" He inquired.

I rolled my eyes. What did he not get about "shut up and say nothing if you want to live"?

I didn't answer his question and unlocked the doors, pushing him down there and quickly shutting them behind him. I sighed and sat down on the doors. Getting all of these people was a lot of work, and very exhausting. Especially when my friend wasn't here to help.

I turned my head to the left and saw my partner in crime approaching me.

"You got him?" They asked me.

I nodded my head. "Who's next?"

She handed me a slip of paper. I took it into my own position and read what was written down: Smosh Games Crew.

I looked up at them and shook the paper in my hand, "That's four people!"

They put their hand on my shoulder, "We can do this. I've got a plan."

I crossed my arms. "Why does it seem like you always make the plans and I execute them. Do you realize how much trouble I'm going to be in if I get caught?"

"You won't trust me."

I began shaking nervously. "I killed someone. Someone I shouldn't have."

They raised their eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I killed Meghan."

"What!?!" They shouted. I cringed in fear. "You weren't supposed to kill anyone unless they became suspicious about us!" They smacked my arm.

"She saw what happened to Joey! I had to kill her! She'd tell everyone if I didn't!"

They smacked their forehead. "You're so foolish! She wasn't someone we needed to worry about!"

I put my hands on my hips, "Hey, she was getting close. Okay? And I knew he was going to be there so..." They glared at me. "I'm sorry!" I shouted, walking past them and getting in the van.

They hopped in the passenger's side. "Let's go." They demanded, looking out of the window. I put the key in and turned it. I was starting to second guess doing this...

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