No Vowels (translated)

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Firestar: Hello Graystripe

Graystripe: Hi Firestar doing good? I am

Firestar: Thanks Graystripe, I'm doing fine thanks for asking

Sandstorm: Firestar! Firestar!

Firestar: What Sandstorm?

Sandstorm: Leafkit and Squirrelkit are missing!!!

Firestar: Oh no!!!

Sandstorm: I've searched the whole camp!

Cloudtail: I heard what's going on. Quick! Get on my rainbow cake flyer!

*they all get on and fly off to save Leafkit and Squirrelkit*

Leafkit: Help! Help! Squirrelkit and I are stuck in this tree!!

Firestar: There they are! Hop on to the flying rainbow cake!

Squirrelkit: Geronimo!

Leafkit: eeeeeeeekkkkkk!

*then they all went home*

THE  END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'M NOT DEAD ~Sparkspirit

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