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Firestar: Hey Bluestar guess whaa-at?

Bluestar: What Firestar?

Firestar: This spoof book has 200 reads!!!! 

Bluestar: Whoah! Really!?!?!

Sparkspirit: This calls for a song!!! *Puts on sparkly blue top hat*

Firestar: *puts on sparkly orange top hat*

Bluestar: *Puts on sparkly yellow top hat*

Foxfeet: *Puts on sparkly green top hat*

Goldenrose: *Puts on sparkly pink top hat*

Random music starts playing in the backround

Sparkspirit: We made it to 200!

Foxfeet; Startin all the way from one

Goldenrose: Every read brought us closer and we had more fun

Firestar: We went from one to 200

Bluestar: Havin so much fu-un

Spark, Fox, And Golden: fu-un

Sparksprit: I can't believe this number!

Goldenrose: It's such a big achevement!

Foxfeet I never would've guessed it would've come so soon!

Firestar, Goldenrose and Bluestar: come so soon

Firestar: we made new discoveries, like phones and that we can regenerate!

 Sparkspirit: We traveled all the way from one to 200

All of them: 200 *Take of hats and bow*

All the other cats: YAYYYYYYYY WOOOO BEST SONG EVER!!!!!!!! *Clapping and Whistling in the backround

Sparkspirit: *grins* We never would've made it here without you!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! This truly is amazing! I never expected it to come so soon!! THANK YOU!!!

Good singing job guys! But seriously, I can't even begin to explain how much this means to me! I truly am amazed! Thank you so much! I was so suprised at how fast we reached 200 reads!! Everyone of your reads counted! I wouldn't be here with out all of you!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =3  ~Sparkspirit

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