No Vowels

32 3 5

Frstr: Hll Grstrp     

Grstrp: H Frstr dng gd? M

Frstr: thnk Grstrp, m dng fn thnks fr skng

Sndstrm: Frstr! Frstr!

Frstr: Wht Sndstrm?

Sndstrm: Lfkt nd Sqrrlkt r mssng!!!

Frstr: h n!!! 

Sndstrm: v srchd th whl cmp!

Cldtl:  hrd wht's gng n. Qck! Gt n m rnbw ck flr!

*th ll gt n nd fl ff t sv Lfkt nd Sqrrlkt*

Lfkt: Hlp! Hlp! Sqrrlkt nd r stck n ths tr!!

Frstr: Thr th ar! Hp n t th flng rnbw ck!

Sqrrlkt: Grnm!

Lfkt: kkkkkk!

*thn th ll wnt hm*

                                                         TH ND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ugh. You do not know how hard that was to write. -_-  ~Sprksprt

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