Soccer Game!!!!

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Blackstar: Let's play soccer!

Tawnypelt: Um, Blackstar? What is soccer?

Blackstar: Here, watch this video on my phone! *Holds up phone so every one can see*

10 minuts later *in the voice that appears on Spongebob that does those time passy screens*

Littlecloud: Ok nowww it makes sence! Ok, let's split up into teams! I'll be the reff! *Refferee jersey and whistle magicly appear on him*

Everyone else: *divdes up into teams. Green jersyes and cat-sized shin guards appear on one team and red jerseys and cat-sized shin guards on the other team*

*They all get teleported to soccer stadium with Thunder clan, Shadow clan, Wind clan, Leaf clan,

Waterfall clan, Flower clan and Night clan all in the stands*

Littlecloud: *blows whistle*

*Last minite of the game. still 0-0* 

Tawnypelt: *shoots and scores* 

Littlecloud: *Blows whistle* Tweet! Tweet! Tww-eet!

Green team: Yes!!!!!!! Tawnypelt, You did it!!!!!! We won!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

Green team: 2-4-6-8 who do we apreciate? Red!!

Red team: 2-4-6-8 who do we apreciate? Green

All the players: * shake tails and say: "good game!"

Sparkspirit: What an amazing game!!!!! I loved that game! 

Crowd: *Cheering and clappind and whistling* WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You know the spoof I said I would write at the end of rowing a boat? Well this is it! You know, now I really want to see a cat wearing cat sized shin-guards!! It seems so cute! Hah I know what you thinking: I'm crazy. And thank you for that. This was actually like my soccer game this week!                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~ Sparky

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