If Tall Shadow became Tallstar instead...

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After the great battle...

Starclan: And Tall Shadow... From now on you shal be known as Tallstar.

Starclan: Now go, Make your clans and thrive in peace...

Tallstar: Allright! I officaly create Tall Clan Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!

Tallstar:  Any one who wants to  join Tall Clan line up single file in front of meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Big crowd of cats: *all come thundering over and line up*

Tallstar: If I tell you short, go to that bush, and if I tell you tall, go to that tree.

Cats: Coolio!!

Tallstar: Hmmmmmmmmmm *Walks down line* short short tall short short tall tall tall tall short short short short short short short tall tall tall.

Cats: *Go to correct spots* 

Tallstar: Ok if I told you "tall" welcome to Tall Clan!! If I told you "short" then BOOOOO you are BANISHED!!!!!!!

Short cats: Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!?! 

 Tallstar: You are not tall enough!!!!!!!

Short cats: How tall do you have to be!?!?

Tallstar: You have to be at least a mouse length tall!!! Counting the tail.


Many seasons later...

Tallstar: Tallpaw, will you uphold and defend the warrior code and your clan with your life?

Tallpaw: Yes, I do!

Tallstar: well too bad sucka!!!!!!! You are not tall enough!!!! BANISHED!!!!!!!!

But but i'm just barely under the acceptable height!!

Tallstar: You can leave with a name. Your name will be: ShortyMcshorterson The Dumb Dumb!!

ShortyMcShorterson the dumb dumb: But! but!

Sparkspirit: Wow Tallstar, what kind of a warrior name is ShortyMcShorterson the dumb dumb? That's not even a real warrior name!

Tallstar: SCILENCE!!!!! YOU     ARE     BANISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!! BANISHED I SAY!!!! BANISHED!!!!!!!!!!!

ShortyMcShorterson The dumb dumb: *Runs out of camp* WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA T-T T-T T-T T-T ;-; ;-;  >:(    >:3 YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!! I'LL GET A LAWYER AND SUE YOU A MILLION BUCKS!!!!!!

Tallstar: Psh!

A couple moons later...

Tallstar:*handing over a billon dollars* Geez sor-y!!  It's not my fault you were too short! Hmph! 3:<

Eh? Eh? yeah I know wasn't my best but it was still good! But it is a VERY good thing that Tall Clan doen't exsist! Thank Star clan for that!   =3                                                          ~ Sparkspirit

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