The Waffle King!

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One day in the Clans that actually started off normal...

The Waffle King: *Shimmies into camp* Ola!! Ze Waffel King ez here!

Everyoen in camp: O_O'

Firestar: Oh dear... Not the waffle King!

Waffle King: Wats wrong with him?

Cloudtail: He hates waffles... *bows head in shame*

Waffle King: WHAAAAAAAAAATTTT?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? That must be fixed!

Firestar: *Calls from den* No it doesn't!

Waffle king: *Grabs Firestar by tail. or should I say end of banana*

FIrestar: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!Stay away creep!

Waffle King: NEVA!! I SHALL MAKE YOU LIKE WAFFLES!!! Also why do you have a banana butt?

*camp changes to a room with a big table full of platters piled with waffles*

Waffle King: I can cure you banana butt!!!

Firestar: Really? Mayby you're not so bad after all!

Waffle King: The cure iiiiiiiiisssss

Firester: come on, come on!

Waffle King: All of the waffles in this room! Soaked in a special ingredient! Mouse bile!

Firestar: *cries* Why???? Why waffles?! Anything but waffles!!!!

Jayfeather: I got this. *Puts on shades and walks up to Firestar*

Firestar: Wha-

Jayfeather: *Punches in face* there. Lionblaze. you owe me $20 We made a bet remember?

Lionblaze: But I'm broke!

Waffle King: *Crams all the waffles down Firestar's throat*

Firestar: *Chokes and wakes up* BLEAH!!! Ugh! I won't ever recover from this ordeal...

Waffle King: You're welcome! Your banana but left! Thanks to my never failing waffle remide!!!!

Cloudtail: Can I have some of the waffles?

Waffle King: Have all the waffles you want. Everyone!

So Firestar ran away as the rest of the clan had a waffle party that lasted for two weeks.

Sorry about no updates!!!! But the picture of the waffle king was drawn by @Pandahugs225. It is what homework has brought us to. -_- Flies away on rainbow waffle ~Sparky

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