Chapter 9~ On Our Way Home

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I collapse next to Avi and Kevin, all of us underneath a group of trees. We've been running for at least an hour, and we finally can't run anymore. Scott sits down, Kirstie still in his lap.

"Mitch, you've got that ability thing. The one that lets you heal wounds. Can you heal her leg?" Scott asks, looking at me and I hesitate before I nod.

I'd never tried to heal anybody before. I knew I had the ability, but I didn't know how to exactly use it. I had to learn though; for us and for anybody else.

"I can try, I guess." I say and I scoot over to Kirstie's injured leg, and I put my hands over it. My arms shake a little because I don't want to screw up.

"You can do it Mitch. You don't have to worry. We know you can do this. If you can do this, it's a major advantage." Avi says encouragingly and Kevin places a hand on my shoulder, and I look at him.

I give a small nod and I look back to Kirstie, and Scott gives me a tired smile.

I put my hands back over Kirstie's leg, and I close my eyes and I place my hands on her wound, before opening them a moment later to see the wound closed, and all that remains is a thin red line that is the same length as the wound.

"I did it... I actually freaking did it." I say, sitting back and Scott smiles at me, and he sets Kirstie on the ground next to him, and he then stands up.

"Now we've got that. We can get ourselves healed and we are out of Sterlingson's place." Scott says, and we all nod.

"Guys, what are we gonna do now? I mean, we don't have any idea as to what we need to do now." Avi asks quietly and we all are kinda quiet.

"I don't think any of us have any idea. I mean, I think we all just wanted to finally get out." Scott says and I sigh.

"We should go and try to find our families. Like, that's a reason we wanted to get away. To find them. Like, Avi you wanted to find Esther. Now you can." I say and Avi's face lights up at that.

"Yeah!" He says, a smile on his face, and we all kinda grin as well.

"So, that's it? We go to the nearest town, and find our families? What about after that?" Kevin asks and we all ponder for a moment.

"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, I guess." Scott says and Kirstie shifts in the grass next to him, and she sits up, placing a hand on her head.

"You're awake!" I say happily, secretly glad I didn't mutate her leg into some like monster mutation or something like that. That wouldn't have been good.

"Yeah, I'm awake... And my leg..." She says slowly, looking at her leg with wide eyes.

"Mitch healed it. Its fine now." Scott says, helping her sit up. Kirstie looks at all of us, and places a hand on her head.

"So, where are we now?" She says, and we look at each other.

"Uh, in the middle of nowhere. But far away from Sterlingson. We are never going back there. Ever." Avi says with a glee I've never heard in his voice before.

"Yup! And we're headed to the nearest town, once you're good to go." Kevin says, and Kirstie nods slightly.

We all just kinda chill for a little bit, talking briefly for a while.

"Guys, let's go home. It's what we all want. Let's go." Kirstie says suddenly, and we all break out into big smiles.

We all stand up, Kirstie a bit hesitantly, and we start walking in a direction.

"Hey, I think I see some lights over that way!" Avi says excitedly and I smile widely. But I'm nervous. What if we were forgotten about by our parents? What if they don't remember us, just like how me, Scott and Avi don't remember them?

We all start running down the hill and we end up by a metal fence at the back of an alley.

"Here, I got this." Scott says and he pries open the fence, and holds it back as we all slip through. Scott slides through after us and we all just kinda stand there.

"Wait, guys, we all look like something out of the army. That's not what we want. Right?" Kevin says and we all kinda look at our outfits, and I sigh.

"Well, then let's just modify ourselves." I say and I rip the sleeves off of my shirt, turning it into a tank top of sorts, and the others follow my lead. Soon, we all look less military, and more, I guess, normal.

"Ok. We go out now?" Kirstie asks, and Scott nods.

"Let's go." Scott says determinedly and we follow him out of the alley. We end up on a street, and a car zooms past us, and I tense up.

"Why are people still using cars? It's 2090 for crying out loud! Hovercrafts are much more efficient." Avi complains and we all laugh a little.

"Guys, I remember the address of my old house. Can we try their first?" Kevin asks slowly and I grin.

"Absolutely! Our goal is to get back to our families, right? So let's do that." I say and the others murmur in agreement, Avi placing a hand on Kevin's shoulder.

We follow Kevin down the street, and I can just tell that a thousand differing thoughts are running through that head of his. That massive intelligent head of his.

We arrive at a house at the corner of the street and Kevin stops suddenly, his eyes big and I swear I can almost hear his heart beating wildly in his chest.

"You ready Kev?" Kirstie says quietly, and he nods, taking a deep breath. And he walks up the porch.

We all follow him slowly, before we stop at the last step, and Kevin goes to the door. He pauses for a moment before he knocks on the door.

"Yeah? Who is it?" A voice calls from inside the house and Kevin hesitantly answers.

"It's Kevin Olusola. I-I used to live here, um, twelve years ago." He says calmly and the door opens slightly, to a wide eyed woman, likely in her mid-to-late forties.

"Oh my God... You all are here. You've come back to us." She says and we all kinda look at each other, clearly confused.

"I'm sorry. Who exactly are you?" Scott asks and she smiles.

"I'm Angelica Maldonado, and Kirstin is my daughter." She says and Kirstie's mouth drops open, and we all just kinda stand there.

"Mom... Mom, is that really you?" Kirstie says quietly and Angelica smiles sadly at Kirstie, and nods her head once.

Kirstie walks forwards and throws her arms around her mom, and Angelica wraps her arms around Kirstie, holding her tightly.

"Everyone else is inside. We all united five years ago to try and find you all." Angelica says quietly and we all go inside, to find them. Our parents.

Total word count: 1219

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