Chapter 8- Why Must It Come To This

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I run down the halls, my breathing tagged from running so much. I had to find her; if I couldn't find her, I'd never forgive myself.

"SCOTT!" I hear Mitch yell and I look back to see the smaller boy running to me, and I stand there, looking at him desperately.

"Mitch... I have to find her. I can't leave her in this hellhole. I can't." I say, and he nods, grabbing my arm.

"We'll find her Scott, we will. We just have to hurry the heck up. Avi and Kevin are right behind us.  They should be here in a moment. Then we look for her together, ok?" He says, trying to calm me down. I nod, my breaths shaky, but I calm myself down after a moment. She's ok; she's gotta be ok.

"SCOTT?! MITCH?!" I hear Avi shout and we run down to them, and the four of us collide, but we manage not to fall to the ground.

"Scott, for the love of dragons, you can't just go running off like that, man! They could have gotten you again." Avi says, and I nod apologetically, my heart and head racing to go.

"I know, I'm sorry. Now let's go find her." I beg and Kevin and Avi nod, and the four of us take off down the hallway, looking for any sign of the control center.

As we go, I can't help but think of anything that might have gone wrong. She could be getting attacked right now. She could be being abused by who knows who doing who knows what. She could go through whatever she went through the first time she did this again. I'm so worried about her. Kirstin is the biggest small light in my life. Whenever we have our nighttime conversations, I feel as though I can tell her anything in the world or on my mind. She's just that amazing. Yes, Mitchell is great and he'll always be my best friend, but Kirstin... She is just so spectacularly different, and I love that about her.

A scream rips through the corridors and we all start running towards it, my eyes wild, and I look over at Mitch, and the fear itched onto his voice is just too much for me to handle. I should have made these guys keep going. If I am the reason we stay here... I'll never forgive myself.

We get to the end of the hall and there's a single door, and I grab the handle, about to enter.

"Scott... Please be careful." Mitch says, and I look back at the smaller boy. His black hair is messed up and he's breathing hard from all of the running. I recall him saying something along the lines of "I hate physical exercise" or something like that once to me. Back in our old room.

"You guys need to get out. I can't be responsible for getting you all trapped here forever. I'll get Kirstie, and then we'll get out. You all need to go." I say and Mitch shakes his head immediately.

"No." Mitch says and I sigh.

"Mitchell, you need to go-" I say but the small boy explodes on me.

"NO! Scott, I will not leave you. I refuse to leave you. And that's final." Mitch says and I'm still shocked. I'd never seen him this way, ever.

"Yeah. We're all in this together(insert High School Musical dance here)." Avi says and Kevin nods.

"Ok. Ok. Alright, let's get our girl." I say and I open the door, and we all slip inside, and Avi closes the door as quietly as he can behind us.

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