Part 8

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Angela Shepard posted a status: Oh my God, I know blondes are supposed to be the stupid ones, but it seems like redheads are a thousand times worse.

Evie Matthias and Sylvia Davis likes this status.

Cherry Valance: Excuse me?

Angela Shepard: You got a problem, princess?

Cherry Valance: Other than the fact you just insulted my hair color, no.

Angela Shepard: Good then we're done here.

Cherry Valance: We most certainly are not!

Angela Shepard: You wanna take this outside, bitch?

Two-Bit Mathews: Girl fight! Rip each other's clothes off!

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Steve Randle: I'll get the mud!

Two-Bit Mathews likes this.

Cherry Valance: Ugh! You two are such pigs!

Angela Shepard: What? You scared of gettin' dirty?

Cherry Valance: No! But I don't appreciate guys talking about women that way.

Angela Shepard: Yeah, whatever. Go polish your pretty little socy nails while you take a bubble bath.

Cherry Valance: Why don't you shut your mouth?

Angela Shepard: Why don't you screw yourself?

Cherry Valance: Why don't you screw a cat?

Angela Shepard: Why don't you screw your mom?

Cherry Valance: ...

Two-Bit Mathews: Too far...

Angela Shepard: What?! She told me to screw a cat!

Ponyboy Curtis: Hey what's goin' on in this neck of the woods?

Two-Bit Mathews: Go away.

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Ponyboy Curtis: FINE.

674 people like this.

Cherry Valance: You know, I have more money than you.

Angela Shepard: What?

Cherry Valance: I have more money than you and I always will.

Angela Shepard: So?

Cherry Valance: I have more money than you! I have more money than you!

Angela Shepard: Shut up!

Cherry Valance: I have more money and I always, always will!

Angela Shepard: Shut your face, bitch!

Cherry Valance: Money! Yeah, yeah more money!

Angela Shepard: Oh yeah, well I've gotten laid more times than you!

Cherry Valance: Well...I don't care because I have more money!

Angela Shepard: Well...I don't care because I've gotten laid!

Cherry Valance: I can buy male prostitutes!

Angela Shepard: I don't have to!

Ponyboy Curtis: Ladies...Ladies...

Cherry Valance: Shut up!

Angela Shepard: Don't tell him what to do!

Cherry Valance: Don't tell me what to do!

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