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[personal chat between ken n dallo]

Dallon: hey so

Dallon: i want to do this properly

ken??: ok??

Dallon: i cannot thank you enough for helping me. like, for real. when my parents found out about me being bisexual, they were so terrible about it. it made me want to just disappear from everyone. i felt like such a bad person, and i felt like because of who i liked, it decreased my value of a human.

Dallon: but that doesn't matter. you helped me kenny. i mean, of course you weren't the only one to help. but i feel like you deserve to hear this a million times over and over. thank you so much for letting me stay at your place. if it weren't for you, i probably would've done something i could of regretted in the future.

Dallon: kenny, i'm getting better because of you.

Dallon: thank you. <3

ken??: aw omg :')

ken??: i'm glad i could help, and i'm glad you're getting better. you deserve it. 

ken??: will you be okay at school tomorrow?

Dallon: i feel like it, yeah. 

ken??: good.

Dallon: yeah 

Dallon: all because of yooooou

ken??: aw shut up

Dallon: that was mean

ken??: i'm a mean person

Dallon: shut up ur sweet

ken??: sigh

ken??: i guess

Dallon: "i guess"

Dallon: boy if yoU DON'T

Dallon: ur a cinnamon bun

ken??: sinnamon bun

Dallon: leave 

ken??: :D

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