Interview No.1 - The Great Gustav (Updated)

Start from the beginning

I get you there... Vincent, I'd like that too - I am sure many of us have that dream. 

Second wish.  

Uh... To maybe have a chance to go back in time to get a chance to tell my dad how much I loved and appreciated him and everything he did before he passed away... 

I completely see where you are coming from on that one as I have lost close family, but I am sure in his heart he knew that Vincent and he would be very proud of your writing.

Third wish.

As much as I want to say I'd want my third wish to be to get filthy rich I feel like that's everyone's wish so I just won't bother.

I guess for my third wish I'll say.... I wish to live a long and healthy life where I can write until the day I die. *shrug* That's all I got. I know they're kind of boring as far as wishes go but that's all I can think of. 

The third wish is a good one to live a long and healthy life and be able to write always, I am sure we can all understand that.

Most of us if we are really honest probably don't need to be filthy rich (although we'd all like the opportunity to experience it I am sure - so we could argue to disagree).   I can honestly say I have observed over the years through the legal environment I work in, that it can seem to bring far more problems than you can ever imagine, than the ones it solves. 

However, to be financially comfortable so we have choices in life and be able to write, that's a pretty good wish to make , which is what I interpret you would like in essence and who could argue with that?

And yes to be financially stable and comfortable would be all I'd need to be happy. Being too rich, as you said, comes with its own burdens.

What's your favourite time to write and why?

I could write any time, really. There's no real favorite time. However most of my writing is done in the evenings and nights when all other matters of life have been attended to. But as I said, if I had a day where I had nothing to do and nowhere to go then I could write from morning to when I go to sleep, but I usually take a few breaks in between either to play a game, watch something or just do something else. Not so much because I get tired of writing but more because my ass gets sore and my legs get antsy. Lol It's actually quite fun answering these questions.

What do you think makes you want to write? Or do you know?

What made me want to write? That's a great question. Not because it's difficult to answer but because I have to admit that before I started writing I never saw myself ever doing so. I used to draw a lot and I was half decent so people always said that I'd have a career in drawing or art or something like that. I didn't really care what they said because I drew for fun. 

Then as I grew into a teen and the question of what career I'd go into when I graduated showed up it got me thinking. I still drew a lot but not as much as I had when I had been younger. Suddenly that didn't seem to be what I wanted to do with my life. 

I looked at stuff like going in the military or becoming a pilot and various other careers but nothing seemed to really click. During all this time I did a lot of reading. Lots of it. Mostly fantasy stories (yes Lord of the Rings was one of them) but a few sci-fi and historic ones too.

Then in high school (grade 12 I think) I had an assignment for English class to write a short story. The subject was whatever we wanted it to be. I was excited because with all the books I had read I had plenty of ideas for something amazing. I ended up writing about a man living in the woods with his wolf dog and finding a woman from the city, lost and alone. He fed her and healed her and then brought her to the nearest town. There was a vicious bear attack in there too and at the end the man decided he had lived alone long enough and followed the woman into the town. 

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