Chapter 6:A "Lovely" Encounter

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"Hey."Danon's voice sounded from behind me."So, I was thinking we should go afterschool to show Ms. Kamon the plan."

"Yeah, sure,"I agreed, continuing to gather my first period supplies."Meet me at my locker after school and we'll go together, okay?"

"Of course!"Danon exclaimed.

"Hey, did you do that extremely difficult set of math problems last night Ms. Lang assigned everyone?"I questioned, changing the subject.

Danon just nodded her head for a moment confused."Why?"

"Just wondering..."I trailed off.

"Oh,"she replied."Did you?"

"Heck no! It's not due until tomorrow, and plus, math is the least of my problems."

And that WAS true. I had my whole Ms. Kamon dilemma and then the big brother, Tom, reunion prepared. The actual problem was finding when I wouldn't be swamped with work in the near future.

My head felt dizzy, and even after fourth period, it seemed my brain was working overtime, so I was beyond grateful when lunch finally arrived.

I was walking towards the cafeteria, not paying attention to my surroundings. Bad idea...

As I was walking down the deserted hallway, I bumped right into...Perry Mulland, the fake platinum blonde haired 'queen' of the school. But that's not the worst part. This is:when I bumped into Perry Mulland, I sent her flailing to the ground and landing HARD on her "precious" buttox.

"Crap!"I exclaimed, watching flabberghasted as Perry Mulland began to get up to her full 5'9 height with figurative smoke pouring out both her ears. "I'm so sorry!"

"You loser!"she yelled, her expression showing one of complete anger and frustraion. "Look at what you did!"

"I'm so sorry,"I repeated.

"I'm not deaf you stupid loser!I heard you the first time!"she shouted enraged, attracting curious gazes from all of the few students still in the hallway.

I stood horrified, watching my soon-to-be death in slow motion. My attention drifted from Perry to the murmuring spectators.

Catching my line of sight somewhere else, besides her, Perry quickly demanded, irritated,"Look at me, you lowlife!"

I still didn't redirect my gaze, but that was only because I was frozen in place.

Seeing I hadn't obeyed, Perry turned her body to face the small audience and screamed to everyone there,"Scram!"

All of them left, except for a petite black haired Asian girl, whom seemed to be just as frozen in place as me.

"What are you still doing here?"screeched Perry in her unnaturally high pitched voice.

I remember a time, back before high school, when she was, as surprising as it might sound, nice and NOT always looking for ways to gain the limelight. Back in middle school, before freshmen year...when we were still best friends. Way back---maybe even before the age of the dinosaurs--back, back, back...Before first crushes, high school drama, and...rejection. I could still hear it... Her innocent, sweet voice ringing in my head...

"Wait up!"the blonde called out, stopping for a few seconds to wipe the perspiration forming on her porcelain skin. She was like a living breathing china doll. It was almost as if one touch could knock her down, like pins in a bowling lane.

"C'mon! Hurry up,"I remembered myself shouting back urgently, drawing out the last two words in the sentence, while continuing to sprint to the rusted swingset.

The young golden haired beauty recovered from her heavily panting state and straightened her back, starting to, once again, take off, picking up speed along the way. In only a few mere minutes, she was at the swingset, returning to her previous panting state with her body crouching forward, hands placed on her bare, scrawny knees.

"S-see. I m-made it!"the girl exclaimed, trying her best to speak clearly through her ragged breathing. "N-now yo-u can't t-tell me to hur-ry up."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever,"I could imagine my young self replying, trying to quickly dismiss the blonde's words. "But you're still too slow, Perry Berry. Look, you still haven't  even gotten on the swing set after five SUPER long minutes!"

The other girl glanced down at her diamond encrusted watch before a large, self satisfied smirk spread over her pretty, little face."Ha! It's actually only been TEN super long minutes!"

The young brunette only face palmed herself in response, finally muttering out,"Only you, Perry Berry, would answer back like THAT."

But that was all before. And now, seeing Perry had rekindled some intense past feelings. I had cried with her. I had even ignored the person I was closest with until he left and she was satisfied...All for HER. But, all I got in return was a changed Perry. One that was fake in every way---

"Get out!"Perry continued to screech , the small Asian girl finally recovering from her shocked state and scurrying out of here as fast as possible.

"That was a bit harsh, don't you think?"I said, breaking out of my frozen state as well.

"Whatever! She deserved it. Did you see the way she ignored me COMPLETELY?"complained Perry. Suddenly she realized who she was talking to...Me, Cracker Cohen...A nothing in her book, and let out a growl.

"Whoa tiger! Calm down."

"You have no right to talk to me like that,"she said, her expression screaming utter hate and disgust."Don't think that just because we were old friends---really bad mistake on my part---it's okay to talk back to me or ignore what I'm saying to you."

And without waiting for a reply, she abruptly turned away from me, and then she sashayed away.

                                                Add Perry Mulland to my ongoing list of problems.

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