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This is my first wattpad story so I hope it's not too crap lmao


It was quite possibly the scariest dream Harry had ever had.

With hands as soft as silk Draco twirled a strand of Harry's hair in a gentle finger. The warmth of his body engulfed Harry as he lay against his chest.

"Harry," Draco muttered in a voice that reminded him of warm milk and honey. A voice more buttery than Hagrid's shortbread. "Harry," he whispered again.

Draco brushed his lips gently against Harry's ear. "HARRY POTTER," he yelled in voice that so unmistakably belonged to Ronald Weasley.

Harry jolted awake with fear filled cry only to scowl when his eyes landed on a chuckling Ron.

"Bastard," Harry hissed and aimed an over stuffed pillow at Ron's grinning face, "What was that for?'

"We have to complete the transfiguration essay. You know, the one Hermione wouldn't quit pestering us about."

Harry groaned and tumbled back on his bed, he regretted staying up so late, but it was, with all things considered, Gryffindor's first Quidditch team victory for the year.

"I saw you smiling in your sleep what was the dream about?" Ron grinned.

"Never you mind," said Harry switching the lamp on and wanting desperately to change the subject, "it's still dark out, what's the time?"

"5 a.m. Now hurry up or McGonagall will kill us."

Harry hurriedly pulled on some clothes. Getting dressed was harder than usual, considering he was still half asleep and also rather confused of the dream he had just encountered. Sure, Harry's eyes had been drifting towards Draco a rather lot lately. And the same boy did consume his thoughts more than he cared to admit, but he never thought his brain would go far enough as to create a dream surrounding Draco Malfoy.

Ron and Harry walked to the common room where Hermione was already sitting in an armchair completely absorbed in 'Lintwood's guide to not-so-simple spells'. A rather boring and unnecessarily expansive book if you asked Harry, but Hermione appeared to be quite content.

She scarcely lowered the book that covered most of her face before she began her speech that no doubt had been well rehearsed.

"Oh, there you two are, I was just about to go wake you up. But honestly how many times did I tell you to get a move on with that essay? You two really need to manage your time better, and don't think I'll be helping you, I'm going to be practicing the stunning spell, Snape hinted we'll be doing it next lesson."

Harry, who didn't get a word Hermione just said,  nodded his head sleepily and sat down at the table where he dug out his parchment in preparation to write the essay, but his mind kept wandering back to the dream he just had. On one hand it was absolutely disgusting, on the other, it was exactly what Harry had been wishing for every night before drifting into a sleep.

No! You don't want it to be real, it was just a dream, nothing more. Never will you want to be near that stupid git!

Harry didn't know what was happening to him. For a reason he pretended to be oblivious to, he had been looking at the Slytherin's with longing for the exact reason he had constantly despised the house, Draco Malfoy.

The next hour Harry and Ron worked in silence, with the occasional groan of frustration, though in Harry's mind an enraged shouting battle was occurring.

'You like him'

'I do not'

'You can't deny it, you know you do'

'I don't!'

'Then why do you have dreams about him? Why do you wish the sorting hat put you in Slytherin?'

'Because... I DON'T!'

Harry stared down at his parchment he had dotted his 'i' so furiously an angry hole appeared in the paper.

When the essay was finished it was covered in various ink smudges and probably worthy of a P but if Mrs Mcgonagall was in a good mood he might be able to scrape an A. Hopefully she was happy with his and Ron's qudditich performance.

On the way to the great hall Ron was in a bad mood.

"McGonagall's a right cow, making us do an essay on a Quidditch weekend."

Hermione shot Ron a stern look but Harry, hoping to avoid an argument so early changed the subject.

"Cold morning isn't it? Hope there's something good for breakfast."

Ron grunted in response.

They sat alongside each other on the Gryffindor table, Harry enduring he had a view of the Slytherin's.

All the other Gryffindor's were half asleep as well, tired from last nights party. Harry pretended not to notice the Ravenclaw's shooting daggers at their table, they quite clearly were angry that they wouldn't be winning the Quidditch cup this year. Harry however, couldn't care less, he was too busy looking at Draco Malfoy who was conversing with Pansy. The reason why Harry was paying him any mind was profoundly unclear, he was a horrible, repulsive, git who hated everyone, but there was something about him perhaps it was his hair, or his eyes, or his laugh or maybe his smile or his-

"Look, Snape doesn't look too happy, mind you he never is these days, do you it's something to do with you-know-who?" Said Ron, interfering with Harry's thoughts.

"Honestly Ronald! Can you go a day without accusing Snape, Dumbledore trusts him, remember?" Snapped Hermione.

Ron stabbed his sausage with his fork.'Well Dumbledore could be wrong couldn't he? And whats with you always defending him, it's like you love him"

Hermione turned an alarming shade of red, "He is a teacher! And he's horrible, I don't love him!"

"Yeah that never ceased you wanting to snog Lockheart!"


Harry snapped, "Shut up, both of you!"

Harry knew he was being harsh but he was trying to concentrate and he was sick of their profound bickering that had increased dramatically this year.

Hermione turned to Harry, "I didn't do anything, I was simply stating that I don't go around fantasizing about teachers."

"Whatever" Harry continued the act of looking at Draco. Did Pansy know how lucky she was as she hung on to his arm and laughed at his jokes? He would do anything to be her, just for a day.

Harry shook his head. No, that wasn't right. He didn't want to be Pansy and he definitely did not like Draco Malfoy.

He couldn't handle it anymore. "I have to go get something, I'll meet you at Transfiguration," Harry announced.

Harry ran off, what was happening to him?

O shit, it is crap

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