Chapter 23

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    A few weeks pass and the school seems to have settled into an uneasy routine of trying to avoid the Carrows while attending classes. The trio had sent a reply to Lucy's letter the following afternoon when the owls swooped in to deliver the post. Their letter was filled with anger, worry, frustration, and pleading with her to drop out and finish school elsewhere where it'd be safer. She'd naturally declined the opportunity to leave in favor of helping the younger students avoid punishments while secretly wishing Bethany would be pulled from Hogwarts before things got bad. Malfoy had left her alone so far, though he would get caught staring at her during meals and in classes. Lucy ended up in trouble with the Carrows several times a week each week, sometimes even taking punishments after distracting the Carrows from punishing others. September fades away into October, bringing a chill to the air while leaves scatter over the grounds. The few students left with any cheer spend their free periods making piles of leaves to jump into while the remainder of the students keep to themselves. From Lucy had heard, students have been disappearing, some pulled from school, others just haven't been seen again.
Lucy and Bethany are currently seated under a tree by the lake studying for their classes while talking quietly about their plans to help students stay safe and wondering if Harry and the others have had any luck weakening him or are any closer to taking him down. Lucy sighs, whispering that she feels something is coming and it's going to change the world as they know it. Bethany mumbles in agreement before insulting her potions essay. Lucy closes her Runes book to lean over and help the underclassman finish the essay. A shadow passes over their papers and the duo look up to find Ginny Weasley standing over them, her hands resting on her hips. Lucy greets her kindly and motions for her to take a seat.
"We've noticed that the two of you have been helping students and protecting them from the Carrows." Ginny states, drawing weird glances from the girls.
"Dumbledore's Army. We're still in operation." She mutters after looking around. "Neville, Luna, and I want you two to be part of it, if you're interested."
Lucy looks at Bethany before looking up at Ginny. "We can't. Not because we don't want to, but because we're in Slytherin. The other houses will end up unsure of joining, thinking we're going to rat out the Army. We'll continue doing our part, but I want the students to feel safe with you three and it won't happen if we're a part of it."
"Alright. I'll let the others know. That is true though, I hadn't thought about it really, I don't see you two as Slytherin."
"We know. You all just be careful. Have you heard anything from you know?" Lucy asks, giving her a pointed look.
"No one has been able to get in contact with him."
"Hopefully they're doing okay and getting things done. You should go before people get suspicious though."
Ginny nods and stands up, leaving them behind as she heads back up the yard and into the school.

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