Chapter 19

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                The two weeks blew by in a whirlwind of fun and laughter, more cheer than the five had experienced while the girls were away. Pranks were pulled from both genders until it all ended when the boys filled the house with Ever-Suds Bubbles and almost ruined everything inside. They called a truce that evening and the boys were left to clean up while Lucy left with Bethany to meet up with her father. When Lucy returned the house was spotless and the boys were nowhere in sight. She raises an eyebrow before shrugging it off and heading upstairs to take a shower. Her gaze lands on the bed where a dark red gift bag is resting with a shoebox underneath. She picks up the envelope attached and tears it open to read the letter.
To make up for the boys and I destroying the house, I sent them away for the night so you and I can have a dinner date to ourselves. There was a small issue at the store but I will be home shortly. Here's your outfit for the evening.

She grins at the letter but sighs at the storeissue, a 'small' issue could end up lasting all night with their attentionspans. She places the letter back on the bed before pulling a navy bluestrapless dress out of the bag. As she unfolds it, she realizes that it haslace over it, creating sleeves and a flowy skirt. She silently gives Fred a nodof approval though she figures he hadn't picked it out. In the shoebox is apair of sparkly silver peep-toe heels. She leaves the clothing behind and goesinto the bathroom to shower and get ready.
Sheheads downstairs half an hour later dressed up with her hair falling in loosewaves and a minimal amount of make up on. Music reaches her ears at the end ofthe staircase and curious, she follows it until she reaches the dining room andher jaw drops. Fred is standing sheepishly next to the table, dressed in a pairof nice pants and a button up, fiddling with the tie around his neck. The tableis decorated with a nice tablecloth, flowers in a vase, and candles lit oneither side of the vase. Music is filtering in from the small radio in thekitchen, just loud enough to reach her ears but not be really noticeable. Fredfinally looks up at her and his face turns scarlet as his eyes take her in. Asmile stretches across her face as she walks up to him and finishes tying thetie for him.
"You clean up fairly well, Mr. Weasley." She says quietly.
"You look breath-taking Miss Binx." He replies, lifting one of her hands to hismouth and kissing it.
She blushes as leads her to a chair and pulls it out for her before sitting downacross from her once she's settled. He waves his wand and plates of herfavorite foods appear in front of them. She gives him a strange look and opensher mouth to ask him a question but he answers for her.
"I remembered the foods you talked about when you went to New York. While yourparents were here I asked your mother and she gave me the recipes. I had Mumprepare them of course since I can't cook... I hope you like it."
He looks up from his plate to find her eating already. She stops with the forkan inch from her mouth and grins.
"I love it Fred. I'm surprised you remembered. Thank you."
He grins and they both eat, talking quietly to each other and sharing looksacross the table.

    After eating, he tells her that he has another surprise for her and leads her to the front door. When they step out into the warm night air he stops and asks her preference: apparition or flying. She thinks for a moment before shocking him by choosing to fly. She'd never been one to want to fly but saw it as an opportunity to enjoy travelling together and enjoy the night air. He grabs a broom but pauses and asks if she trusts him. She responds instantly, trusting him with all her heart. He smirks and pulls out a tie and secures it over her eyes before helping her onto the broom. Her hands wrap tightly around his stomach as they leave the ground. He asks her several times during the flight if she's alright but her excited giggles calm his worry. They land a few minutes later and he helps her off the broom and she can hear the jingle of keys before he leads her inside. Her heels click on a wooden floor but she still has no idea where they are. The tie is removed and she finds them standing in the center of her dance studio, a red rose in his hand. She takes it and smells it but he takes it away from her, placing it next to the radio by the mirrors.
"Care to dance?"
She nods and takes his hand as the music starts to play. She recognizes the song as the tango they'd danced to last Christmas. His movements are smooth and effortless, surprising her.
"How did-?"
"I practiced a lot. You danced so well I wanted to try too."
"You're perfect." She mutters, looking up at him.
"No Lucy, you're perfect. You're the love of my life Lucy. I can't imagine my life without you. I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn't something about you at all. It was just you. I swear I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow, and every day after. I love the way your eyes light up when you're excited and the way your mouth twists up into a smile. I love watching you dance and lose yourself in the music, I love the way you twirl your hair when you're reading and I love the freckles on your nose. I want to spend the rest of my life with you so I can find more ways to love you better."
He smiles down at Lucy to notice that she's crying though a smile is on her face.
"I love you too Fred, I-This is-."
He shushes her quietly before stopping their dance. "Turn around Lucy."
She does and her hands cover her mouth as she gasps. George and Lee are standing outside gesturing to the windows where a question is written out with a glass marker. They wave at her and point for her to turn around again. As she turns, Fred gets down on one knee with a small black box open on his palm.
"Lucille Josephine Binx, will you marry me?"
She stares at him in shock as more tears run down her cheeks. She finally seems to break out of it and nods her head before whispering yes. He grins as he puts the ring on her finger before she practically tackles him in a hug. He catches her and stands before kissing her. The door opens behind them and George and Lee cheer and congratulate them once they break their kiss.

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