Chapter 4

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    Fred wakes up early due to thirst and feels the bed next to him cold. He frowns before pulling on a shirt and shuffling into the main room. Lucy and Bethany are passed out on the floor in the midst of wrapping paper and tape. He sighs and carefully picks Bethany up and places her on a couch before covering her with a blanket. He picks Lucy up after and carries her into the bedroom before returning for a drink. Lee bought a bed finally and put it in George's room so guests could actually stay in the main room and Fred smirks as Lee's snores reach him. He shuts the fridge and chugs the glass of milk before returning to bed. He pulls the blankets over Lucy and himself and she turns over in her sleep to cuddle against his chest. He smiles and runs his fingers through her hair as he falls back asleep.
Lucy wakes up just as the sun starts to rise and pushes herself closer to Fred, breathing in his scent, spices and gunpowder. She smiles and lets out a small yawn just as Fred opens his eyes sleepily. His voice is still heavy with sleep as he tells her good morning. The deepness of his voice makes her shiver in delight. She greets him back and they share a quick kiss.
"I missed this while I was at school." She mutters, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck.
"I know, Love. I did too. Only a year and a half and we can do this every day for the rest of our lives."
They kiss again and it slowly deepens as Fred pulls her on top of him. His hands reach for her shirt just as someone knocks on the door. Lucy rolls off of him before the door opens and Lee and George come in complaining they slept so long and ask for breakfast. Fred shoots them a look and Lucy tosses a pillow in their direction before conceding and getting up to slide on a pair of fuzzy pants over her shorts. She yawns and smacks Bethany on the head with a pillow as she passes by and starts a pot of coffee. Bethany wakes up complaining before sleepily wandering into the bathroom for a shower. She comes back fully awake and hyperactive as she pours a cup of coffee and takes an omelet from the counter. Lucy and the boys eat before taking turns showering and the guys go downstairs so the girls can have their gift exchange.
The girls sit on the floor in front of the tree with large mugs of coffee before pulling their presents from the tree. Lucy hands hers over first and Bethany opens the first one to find a Gryffindor scarf. She raises her eyebrow in confusion until Lucy explains the story of her Gryffindor scarf. Bethany laughs and puts in on, declaring her 'Honorary Gryffindor' status then opening the last two gifts. She finds a sketch book that she'd been eyeing and a huge art set, including pencils, charcoals, pastels, and other items. She runs her hand over the kit excitedly and hugs Lucy. Lucy remembered that Bethany had talked about wanting the set but her parents didn't have the money since they had so many children and Emily, Blake, and Arianna had different medical issues, taking more money. Lucy assures her it was nothing to get the kit, though she secretly had to get Fred to buy it for her in the muggle mall. Bethany hands over her gifts to Lucy, who opens them to find a wand care kit since Lucy babied her new wand, a new sweater, and a large box of double chocolate chip cookies.
"I love chocolate chip cookies!"
"I know. I had these specially made for you."
"You're my best friend forever. Don't let anyone lie to you. I am forever grateful."
Lucy eats a cookie before leaving her gifts under the tree until later. She helps Bethany pack up anything she'd taken out of her bag and they go downstairs to help the boys. Bethany's dad knows where the shop is so he is set to pick her up at any time now. An hour later, the girls say their goodbyes and the boys wish her happy holidays as Bethany leaves with an older male version of herself.

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