Chapter 16

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    Lucy wakes up with the sunlight streaming through the window and a comfortable warmth next to her. She turns her head to find out who is next to her while her muscles scream in protest. A ghost of a smile crosses her face for only a second as her eyes land on the sleeping redhead next to her. Her thoughts go back to yesterday and the smile dies away. Death Eaters attacked the castle, Malfoy let them in, Dumbledore is dead... Her thoughts jolt back to Hogwarts and starts to wonder where she is until the door softly opens and another redhead peers in looking concerned. His face lights up as she looks over at him then disappears behind the door for a moment until another head appears above him. Lee grins at her and she rolls her eyes before trying to get up. Fred's arm is wrapped over her stomach, pinning her to the mattress and she's too weak to move against his dead weight. She looks to the two men at the door and mouth for help. They giggle and shake their heads before blowing her kisses and closing the door again. She sighs and cuddles into Fred's chest, enjoying getting to be with him again despite the circumstances. Finally she gets restless and gently wakes Fred up by poking his forehead repeatedly. His eyes open sleepily before a sloppy grin crosses his face.
"Good morning Beautiful." He whispers, planting a kiss on her forehead.
"Good morning Sunshine. I'm restless and the Things wouldn't rescue me from under your arm."
"Oh really? Maybe I didn't want you to leave. You're mine forever." He snuggles his face into her neck, making her giggle.
"I'm not going anywhere. Though a bathroom and some food would be nice right about now."
"You're really thin again. Did they starve you while you were gone?"
"No, I just chose not to eat it. I didn't trust the Death Eaters. His mother brought me food every so often when she could sneak it since she knew I wasn't eating. She freed me."
He looks down at her in surprise, not believing that a Death Eater, a Malfoy even, helped Lucy.
"Atleast someone in that family has a bit of a heart..." He mutters. "Go take a shower, I'll order out some breakfast for everyone."
She nods and pulls him into a kiss before painfully getting herself out of bed and going into the attached bathroom.
Lucy goes downstairs to the kitchen after her shower dressed in a pale blue button up with a white tank top underneath and a comfortable pair of jeans. She finds the trio leaning against the counters talking quietly about her and whether or not to let her go back to Hogwarts next year. She leans against the doorway to listen to them a moment longer before Lee looks up and his eyes widen. The other two look at him then turn and pale before cheesy smiles cross their faces. She sighs and moves into the room, coming to a stop next to Fred. His fingers lace through hers and squeezes lightly.
"I'm going back to Hogwarts next year. I know it will be dangerous but I want to finish my time at Hogwarts. Besides, Bethany will be there and I don't want her to be alone." They look away at the mention of Bethany's name. "What?"
"Her parents pulled her from Hogwarts the following morning. We don't know if she'll be coming back or not. She promised to visit over the summer at the least." Lee explains.
Her mouth forms into an 'o' before looking up at the two boys across the room.
"When is the funeral?"
"Tomorrow. You're not in much shape to side-along apparate or travel though."
"I'm going. I will be alright, but I won't miss Dumbledore being laid to rest. I owe that man so much. I watched it happen..."
Before they can ask her about what had happened during her time away, there's a knock on the door signaling the arrival of their breakfast from a diner down the way. Lee and George carry the containers to the table at the breakfast nook and Lucy settles down in a chair and pops one open. The trio watches in amazement as she starts eating the food faster than they'd seen her eat before.
"So, what happened during the semester? We only got bits and pieces between letters from you and Bethany." Fred asks quietly.
She pauses before finishing her bite of food then starts to explain the events that took place since Christmas had ended leading up to passing out on the grounds. The trio fills her in on what she missed afterward as they finish eating. Lucy freezes suddenly and looks up at them all. They look to her, scared something was wrong, but she asks a simple question that makes them freeze too.
"Did you tell my parents?"
"We... may have forgotten... They won't kill us, will they?" They respond in unison.
"It's entirely possible. I'll send them a letter in a moment. If anything you have about a day to change identities and run before they get here." 

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