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(Jean's Pov)

I come out Dancing with Moxley escorting me. I win my match against Primo. Him and his cousin leave. Randy's music hits. Randy and I break up.

Now Moxley and i standing in the middle of the ring. The shield's music hits. I look around. They are on the screen. "You see Batgirl, you never got

over me. You are still mine, just as Moxley is mine. Now we have a message for Orton. You broke up with her over no grounds, that's an injustice.We

don't take to well to injustices. So we will serve justice. Ambrose." "Rollins." "Reigns." The screen goes blank. Mox and i leave. Finally the show

is over. Mox and I go to the hotel. "Alright son go get your bathing suit on." "I don't like to swim." "Then you can go into the hottub." "Okay." He

runs and gets ready, so do i. I'm in my 2 piece. We grab our towels and head to the pool. I see Joe and Colby gaurding the door. They let us in. We

go in. It's mostly dark in here. "Moxley go to the hottub." He does. "Mom the water's too hot." "Just turn the temp down honey." "Okay." He does and

gets in. I get in the pool. I'm standing waist deep. Arms go around me from behind. Jon starts kissing my neck. I turn and kiss him. He smiles at me.

I smile back. He whispers "I love you Jean. i always have." "And i have always loved you Jon. Always." We kiss some more. We into the dark half of 

the shallow end. We end up makingout. Jon sticks his hand in my bikni bottom. I start to purr. He enters a finger. "Yes Jon." I whisper. He kisses

me and picks up the pace and enters another 2 fingers. His mouth covers mine as i have an orgasm. I shake and finally stop. "God Jon." He kisses me.

"I know." i say "I haven't been with anyone else." "I know." He kisses me and says "We should probly check on our son now." "God say that again."

"Say what again?" "Say our son again." "Our son." I kiss him. He whispers "Next time we will be in bed and i'll really rock your world." "You better

or i will hurt you." He kisses me and we get out of the pool. We check and Mox is just sitting in the hottub with the jets on."Alright Moxley that's

enough hottub for you, you will boil your insides if you don't get out." Mox gets out and jumps in the deep end, and gets out again. "Can we go up

to bed now?" "Sure." Jon says "I'll have Colby take him. Joe can gaurd." "No i need sleep too. Jon i'll see you in the morning." Jon kisses me and

he leaves. Moxley and I go up to bed. I take a shower. I'm only in towel when there is a knock on the door. I look out the peep hole and see Jon. I

open the door. "Jon, Moxley is sleeping. Not tonight." "I couldn't go to sleep without doing this." He kisses me with tongue and says "Goodnight."

Jon leaves again. I smile. I get dressed for bed. I go to sleep. Today is Friday. Time to get ready to go to smackdown. "Moxley wake up." Nothing.

I pull the covers off and yell "MOXLEY WAKE UP!" he sits up sleeply and says "I'm up, I'm up." Just like Jon used to. I smile. I know Jon is going

to take him again today from my match ringside with Big E. I get him dressed in his clothes. He usually does it but we stayed up later than he's used

to so i will do it for him today. "Alright Moxley you know Dad is going to get you today. Remember where i said i'd leave your clothes bag?" "Yes,it

will be under the ring closest to the announce table. It will have glow in the dark tape on it so i can get it when the lights go off." "Good boy."

He smiles. "Let's go mommy." I take his hand. We go to the arena. I place his bag where we said it would be. I know i should be angry or even scared

that i know jon is going to 'take' Moxley but i'm not. I love them both so much. I get in my gear. "Moxley do you want to go hang out with Phil,John

and Mike, until it's time to go out for my match?" "Yes." I knock on the boys door. Phil sticks his head out. "Oh it's you two. One sec." He turns

his head and yells "It's Jean and Moxley, everyone decent?" He gets back yes'. "Okay all set." We walk in. Phil, Mike, John, Ryback, Brock, Hunter,

Glenn, and Daniel are all in here. Moxley is so excited. He hasn't met Ryan, or Brock yet. Moxley asks "Can i have you guys autograph?" The

guys chuckle and sign his book. I say "Moxley this is Ryan, and Brock. They are mom's friends too. Would you like to stay with them for until

we have to go?" "Can we?" "Yes." "YES!" He's so excited. I smile. He plays wrestling with them. He shows them that move again. "Moxley what is that

move and where did you learn it?" "It's called Moxcity, and Dad used to do it when he was Jon Moxley in TNA, CZW, and Indies." I smile. "Well i

guess you can do it." He smiles and does it on Mike. I laugh "That was AWESOME!" "Hey that's my word." "Nope." I look at moxley. "Moxley that

is your father's word i don't want to hear that word out of your mouth." Mox knows this is only for show. "Sorry mom." I smile at him. I look at the

time. "Moxley we have to head out." "Okay. Bye guys." We leave. "You know that was just for show right?" "Yes." "good." We go out to my music. We

smile and dance. He dances like me thankfully instead of his dad. Not that Jon is a bad dancer it's just that Jon sucks at dancing. I lead Moxley to

the annouce table and nod to him. He nods back. I get in the ring. Big E comes out. We shake hands. We lock up. I have Big E in an submision hold when

the lights go out. I see the glow in the dark tape move and go up the stairs. The lights come back on. I look around i look angry about Moxley being

missing. I take Big E out. I win and i look around. The sheild's music hits. They come on the screen. They show Moxley just sitting there eating some

food. "See I have Moxley. I will give him back when i feel like it. See you on Monday." The screen goes blank. I put on a fake shocked and angry 

face. I go backstage and start lauging hystericly. I stop get a grip and continue to the others. I run to Phil. "Punk you have to help,and Cena, and

Brock,and Ryback, and Miz, and Kane, and Daniel, and Hunter. I need my son back. Find him please?" They all nod and run off looking for him. i have

an evil smile on my face just as the camera goes off, so the audience knows something is up. I get into my normal clothes. I put on my fake sad face.

I go out. They boys find me. "We didn't find him we're sorry." "It's okay i guess. Dean said i'd see him on Monday so i just need to survive the

weekend without my son." I sigh and leave. I get to the parking lot. I see a camera watching me. I start laughing. I call Jon. "Hey. Yeah i'm great.

everybody totally buys it. I'll see you tonight. Night." I shut the phone. I look all innocent. I get in my car and drive to the hotel. I check in

and get the key to our room. Me, Moxley and Jon are all sharing it. I walk in and am hugged by Moxley. "Mom that was so good. Did you see everyone's

faces?" "I did. Did you see what i did after?" Jon says "I did and that's evil. That's not very good girl of you." "Well I guess Good Girls Go Bad."

Jon just laughs. We go to sleep.

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