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(Jean's Pov)

Hmm, i haven't seen Mark in a while i should check the trainers. I walk to the trainers. "Hey Leo have you seen Taker?" "Yes he's on the other bed

right now." "Thanks." I walk into the other bed area. "Hey Mark i heard you were here." "Yeah, we won but i took a nasty hit from Ambrose." "well 

i'm just glad you're okay Marky." "Me too Batty me too." "Batty?" "Well i can't call you by your real name." "Yeah i guess not. So do you know where

Moxley has ran off to?" "I last saw him with Glenn." "Okay i'll go find him." I walk and find Kane's lockeroom. I walk in and Moxley has Goatface

in a headlock and Kane is just laughing. Moxley hits a move that i don't know the name of and Daniel is on the ground. I laugh. The boys turn to me

I just smile. Mox drops Goatface and runs to hug me. I hug him. Glenn smiles at me Mox hugs me."So Batgirl Moxley here says you are watching him

as his mom is on her Honeymoon?" "Yeah. I Promised her i would watch him for awhile." Glenn gets that i don't want people to know Moxley is my son

or our last name. Glenn hugs me. "Nice to see you again Batty." I smile. I help Bryan up. "Hey sorry about Moxley, Bryan." "It's cool. He's pretty

good. How old is he?" "He's 10. And he should be his mom wrestled." I smile at him, and can't help but think if He ever made it to be a wrestler. I

say "Alright it's time for Moxley and I to go back to the hotel." Glenn says "I'll drive you." "Thanks Glenn." Kane nods. Mox, Glenn, and I head to

Kane's car. I load Mox's and my luggage into the trunk. When it's finally just us, Glenn asks "So Jean why don't you want anyone to know Moxley is

your son?" "Because i don't want him to get hurt, and i don't want anyone to know Vince is my dad." "Okay. I promise i won't tell anyone." We nod.

In the back Moxley falls asleep. Glenn, and Mark don't know who Moxley's father is because i won't tell them, but they keep making comments about if

Moxley is someone's son. Just like Randy did. We make it to the hotel. Kane gets our bags and i carry Moxley. I manage to open the door and Glenn

puts the bag down. Kane leaves. I set Moxley down and on the pull out couch. Mox snuggles in. I smile and someone says "How are you doing?" "I'm

good Randy. Just tired." I get into my pjs and get in bed. Randy gets in the other bed and we fall asleep. I wake up with a warm body next to mine.

I look and see Moxley. I snuggle him closer. Randy wakes up while i'm playing with Moxley's hair. Randy whispers "I'm going to get breakfast you

want anything?" "I'll take a chocolate muffin, and Moxley likes hashbrowns only in the morning." Randy kisses me and leaves. I get out of bed and

get ready for the day. I wake Moxley up. "Mox honey time to get up." I knew it wouldn't work. I pull the covers off him and yell "MOXLEY WAKE UP!"

Mox finally wakes up. "i'm up, i'm up." "Good now go get dressed and ready for the day, Randy should be back with breakfast soon." Mox nods and goes

to get ready. Just as Mox comes out ready for the day Randy shows up with breakfast. I eat my muffin slowly, Randy eats his breakfast sandwich quite

fast, and Moxley inhales all 4 of his hashbrowns. Randy is just staring at Moxley thinking about something. I shrug and take care of the trash. I

walk into the other room and listen to the boys talk. "So Moxley do you know anything about your father?" "I know he left before mom knew she was 

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