Dealing with the Aftermath

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(Jean's Pov)

I wake up and look at Moxley. He's still sleeping. I sigh and get up. Randy has made breakfast. Randy puts it in front of me. "Eat." "Thanks." I eat

and Randy kisses me. "Randy why are you with me, besides the on screen story line?" "Because you are beautiful inside and out, you will do anything

for your son, and I love you." "What did you just say?" He sighs. "I love you." "Randy you don't even know my real name." "I don't care what your

real name is. I love you for you." I'm crying tears of joy. "I love you too Randall." He kisses me. "So what is your real name?" "Jean McMahon."

"Did you just say McMahon?" "Yes Vince is my dad, but Linda isn't my mom." He says "As long as Vince doesn't kick my ass for loving you i don't 

really care." I smile "That's what i wanted to hear." "I know, but i mean it. I really don't care. And if Ambrose wants to start something i'll be

there for you." "Thank you Randy." I kiss him. I sigh and say "I think Jon knows Moxley is his son." "How?" "By his name, when we were younger we

said if we ever had a son we would name him Moxley Jonathan. So i did name him that." Randy nods. "Do you think Ambrose will want anything to do

with Moxley?" "I don't know. It's up to him. I just hope he doesn't say anything on camera about Moxley."Randy just holds me and says "I'll watch

him." "thank you." "Mommy?" "Yes my sleepy son?" "Am i coming to the arena today?" "Yes." "Good." I smile as he goes to get dressed. He gets on his

explicit Mox violence shirt. I found it for him at a thrift shop, i got it because it had his nickname from me on it. I call him Mox. I smile. I put

on my Randy Orton shirt and hold Randy's hand. I take Moxley's hand. We go to the arena. LATER THAT NIGHT: "Randy have you seen Moxley i can't find

him anywhere?" "I'm right here." "Moxley Jonathan don't scare me like that." "He was with me the whole time Batty." I smack Randy. "It's not funny

Randy." Randy kisses me and asks "Can i bring him out with me to my match?" "Sure. As long as he wants to go." "OF COURSE I DO MOM!" Moxley yells

that and the whole backstage looks at us. I sigh "Yes it's true Moxley is my son, okay." I hear whispers that they knew it. I ask "Moxley want the

Universe to know you're mine?" "Yes." "Okay lets go." I take his hand. We go out to my music dancing. I get a mic. "Hello Universe." they cheer. I 

smile at them "Well i've been getting questions about who this little man is standing next to me. You've seen him backstage for the last 3 months

and are wondering who he is. Well his name is Moxley Jonathan and he is my son." They gasp. Moxley takes the mic. "Hello!" They cheer. "I'm Moxley

i'm a huge fan of the WWE, so I begged my mom to bring me with her. She said as long as i stayed out of trouble i could come!" They cheer. Moxley

kisses my cheek and we go to the annouce table. Jerry smiles at me. He asks "Hey Moxley want to sit, waandtch, and talk about the next few match with 

us if your mom says it's okay?" "YES! Mom can I? PLEASE?PLEASE?PLEASE?" "Alright, alright as long as you don't go anywhere with out Randy or me."

"Okay mom." I smile and leave. I kiss Randy "Please be careful, and keep and eye on Moxley for me." "Of course." He smiles and goes out to his music

I'm back in my lockeroom. I gasp. The shield just came out. I start running to the ring. I'm too late. By the time i go out Randy is unconcious in 

the ring and Moxley is no where to be seen. I start crying and drop next to Randy. He groggly says "I'm sorry Jean i couldn't stop them." "It's okay

Randy you did your best. Jon won't hurt Moxley, but i promise you i will get him back for this." I stand up and jump the barrier. I follow the 

staircase up. I follow the halls until i come to a dark hallway. I know this has to be it. I see a camera following me. I kick open the door to the

only lockeroom here. It has their stuff in it but no them. I scream. I walk back out the ring. "You bastards! You better not hurt my son or i'll do

10 times worse to you." They come on the screen. "Now why would i hurt my own son i never knew i had. You thought just since we haven't seen each

other since we were teens you didn't have to tell me we had a son. Well that's an Injustice. So we solved it. I took my son and i won't give him 

back to you." The screen goes blank. I scream and destroy everything in sight. I storm back to their lockeroom. I destroy all their stuff. I take

all their bags. I put them in my car and head to the hotel. I get their roomkey. i take all their stuff and put it in my car. i grab all my stuff

and take off in my car. If they want to mess with my son then i'm going to make them pay for it. I will get Moxley back, no matter what it takes.

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