The Next Day Surprise

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(Jean's Pov)

I wake up grumpy. I roll over and someone is in my face. I punch them in their face because that's my first reaction. I sit up and see it's randy.

"Oh my god Randy i'm so sorry." "It's okay it's not bleeding. Wow you got a hard punch." "Sorry first reaction when i wake up to someone in my face

and i didn't fall alseep with them there." "It's alright." "How'd you get in here?" "Asked the front desk lady for a key to here." "Okay why?" "This

is my room now." "Why?" "I was transfered rooms." "By who?" "Vince. Apparently he has something to tell us as well when we get to the arena." "Okay.

Well i'm gonna get dressed." "Okay i'll wait here." I bring my phone with me into the bathroom. I've just finished getting dressed when my phone

rings. "Hello?" "Mommy!" "hey Moxley how's my baby doing?" "Good." "Uncle Mark is taking good care of you right?" "Yes mommy." "Why are you calling

Moxley?" "I missed you." "Moxley Jonathan i told you not to use this number unless there was an emergency." "i sowwy." "I know you are. I love you

Mox. Mommy has to go. I miss you." "i miss you more" "I miss you most." "bye mommy." "bye. oh and Moxley Jonathan you be good for your uncle Taker

okay." "I will." We hang up. Moxley Jonathan is His son. He left me and i didn't know i was pregnant till later. Moxley is 10 years old. I think he

is old enough to travel with me now. When i travel Mark Calaway and Michelle Calaway better known as Undertaker and Michelle McCool take care of Mox

for me. I met them when i was younger. They loved me now they take care of Moxley Jonathan when i need them to. I turn to leave the bathroom and see

Randy standing there. "You have a kid?" "Yes i was in love with a guy when we were 16 i had his son. He left me to pursue his dream before i even

knew i was pregnant." "What's your son's name?" "Moxley Jonathan." "Is he His son?" "Who's son?" "You know who he's named after?" "I have

no clue who you are talking about." "Nevermind. Lets just go get some breakfast." "Okay." I really have no clue who he is talking about. We go to 

IHop. "Yes CHOCOLATE PANCAKES!" "I love how you get excited at everything." I just smile at him. Randy gets me some pancakes. "Thanks Randy." "You

have to share those." "Fine." So we share Pancakes. Randy may be all cocky and evil and stuff on camera but he's so sweet and goofy off screen. I

look up and smile at Randy. Randy just smirks back at me. I hit his arm. "Oww what was that for?" "That stupid smirk of yours." Randy smiles at me.

"Alright lets go to the arena now Randy." We travel to the arena. I walk in and i hear "Dark Dame!" I spin and see my dad. "Yes sir?" "Come to my

office." "Yes sir. Bye Randy see ya later." i head to my dad's office. I walk in and am tackled in a hug. I look down and see my son. "Moxley!" I

hug and kiss my son. "I missed you." He kisses my cheek. I smile at him, take his hand, and look up to see Mark. I smile and say "So Mark why are

you bringing my son to the arena without my permission?" "I'm competeing tonight with my brother and his goat against the Shield. I promised Moxley

here to bring him to see his mom." I smile at Taker and open my arms. Taker hugs me. "How my little one doing?" "I'm good. How was my son for you?"

"He is the opposite of you. He's a rebel, but he tried to be good i think. He was better than normal after i promised that he could see you." "Well

that's good. So we need to talk about his arrangements when it's just us. Okay?" "Yeah." I turn to dad. "So dad is this why you called me in here?"

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