Go home

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Principle Makarov took care of my mum so I'm on my way home now. "LUCY WAIT UP!!" I heard a voice say from behind me, I quickly turn around and saw my supposed to be husband. Yeah I know I have an arraigned marriage, my mothers idea. His name is Harry Lion, red hair, always wears the same outfit red pants and a white singlet top. "Harry what do you want?" I ask with absolutely no emotion, I hate this guy I never agreed to marry him, "Lucy my darling I'm here to tell you our marriage will be next week" Harry says smiling from ear to ear. "Tch your a pain in the ass" I mumble to myself "well I must be going now my sweet" Haryh says walking away. Great now I have to get married at the age of 15 when the wedding was meant to happen when I was 26 but I would have ran away by then but now it's totally different.

I was a block away from my house but I couldn't go back for some reason my body wouldn't let go home so I went to the park. When I got there families, couples and people with dogs filled up the park. I found an empty bench and sat down. I watched as all these people had fun. I'm starting to feel tired but I don't want to go home. I sat down for what felt like hours until I couldn't keep my eyelids open anymore, everything went black and that's when I knew I feel asleep.

<in dream>

"Daddy! Daddy look what i got from my teacher today!" A little girl said running up to her father, "uh my little princess what did you get?" Father asked picking up the girl in his arms, she showed her father a little red dragon doll "why did your teacher give you that thing?" A disgusted voice said stepping into the room, the little girl turned from happy to sad in a matter of seconds. "Layla don't be so cruel. I think the little dragon is adorable and besides it can guard the little princess" the father said putting the sad girl down "Jude don't be ridiculous! That thing is not alive and not of any value to any of us!" Mother said angrily, the little girl held the red dragon tightly in her arms. "Layla she's a child she's meant to have toys" father said upset now, mother crossed her arms and looked at the child "give me that horrid thing now Lucy!" Mother demanded, Lucy looked at the doll then to her mother "no" she said, mother looked very angry by Lucy disobeying her, "LUCY give me that thing no-" mother was cut off by the door being slammed open. "Zack!" Lucy said excitedly to a young man with brown hair green eyes wearing black pants and a white t-shirt. "Lucy are you ok?" Zack asked very concerned at the little girl who was nearly going to cry. Lucy ran to this boy and gave him a big hug whispering in his ear "please don't let mummy take my dragon" Zack broke the hug and looked at Lucy "Lucy don't cry I won't let that witch take your little friend there" zack whispered pointing at her dragon, a smile spread across Lucy's face. "Zack glad you made it" Jude said happily, Layla of course was confused about why this boy was at there house. "What going on here?" Layla asked angrily confused, "Zack is taking Lucy to live with him for a few years" Jude said emotionless to his wife. Lucy lit up with joy with the news "yay I get to live with big brother" Lucy cheered fist pumping the air, Zack laughed as he picked her up in his arms. "And she's going to live a happier life with me" Zack said, Layla looked ready to kill having so much anger, she walked up to Zach and grabbed his collar "you're not taking Lucy!" She said, Jude pulled Layla away, "I'll bring Lucy's stuff over later you two can go now" Jude said nodding to the door, "alright! Ready Lucy?" Zack asked smiling, the little girl nodded and with that they left the Heartfelia household. "Zack~Nii do you wanna know what I named my dragon?" Lucy asked, "of course!" Zack said, Lucy was very happy to live with her brother "it's name is Ig-" Lucy got cut off by her brothers car crashing into a tree. "Lucy run!" Zack said, Lucy's face was filled with horror and fear but she listened to her brother and ran.

<end of dream>

I woke up with my clothes soaking wet, it's so cold. I looked around to see I wasn't at the park I was in a room with orange walls and books everywhere. "Oh thank goodness your awake" a gentle voice said, I tuned my head to see who the voice belonged to "Levy?!?" I said in total shock, she waved a little at me and smiled. "Are you ok?" She asked concerned, I nodded slowly and asked "where am I? Is this heaven?" Levy looked confused to why I would ask that but all these books it has to be heaven. "Your at my house and why would you think this is heaven?" She said laughing a little "doesn't matter. Thank you" I said smiling, to my surprise she came and hugged me "it's ok" Levy said hugging me tighter. She let me go and gave me a warm beautiful smile, "Levy why did you help me?" I ask curious as to why she brought me to her house "well I would like us to be friends. Actually it's not just me who wants to be friends with you but Natsu and Wendy as well" she said with a hint of sadness in her tone. They want to be my friends but why??? What have I done for people wanting to be my friend? "But why?" I ask Levy totally confused, "well...because we can tell your a good person at heart and we can also tell that you've wanted a friend by look in your eyes" she said calmly, by my eyes they can tell all that from my eyes? Wow that is creepy yet cool! "Y-you're right but I don't want to get hurt again" I say nearly about to cry, "what do you mean 'get hurt again'?" Levy asked, should I trust her? She seems like a nice girl but...I don't want to get hurt like when...I was friends with them. "Well I had friends but they hurt me and I couldn't handle it so I shut myself away from the world and socialising" I say disappointed in myself "well we won't hurt you we would never treat our friends like that" Levy said with a bright smile, I broke down into tears and hugged Levy. "Thank you so much" I cried into her shoulder, "so we friends now?" Levy asks, I stop crying and look at her with a smile on my face "yep!" I say excited.

I have a friend now! Someone who promised to never hurt me like them.

Levy told me to stay the night since her parents are on a vacation while she and her brother are home. Her brother was 11, light blue hair like Levy and the same hight, his name was Marco very sweet. "So what's your name?" Levy asked, oh yeah I haven't told her my name yet Baka. "Lucy, Lucy Heartfelia" I say sadly "hey don't be sad Lu" Levy said, "well I don't exactly like my family name" I said very upset, I hate my family name, no scratch that I despise it. Levy didn't ask questions which I'm grateful for, I wish I met this girl sooner. "Levy do you have a spear change of clothes?" I ask as I realize I'm still in my wet uniform "oh yeah sorry" Levy says running to get a change of clothes.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed yet another chapter!

How do you think Lucy will react to getting a lot of attention from people? Happy? Or uneasy?

Find out next chapter!


Love Cassy 😜

Who is she? (NaLu fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя