chapter twenty-five

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It's been about 2 months since the storm and since then everything has been going good, Scottie and I went on a couple of dates and we also play games with Parker and Dawn. Ben is still going strong with a stable condition but I guess that's normal well for us, my dad's doing good, and we check up on him on some days more than others because of the whole blind thing but he's taking it really good. Mum is doing fine as well, she keeps an eye on dad but when she can't then we check up on him. They told us that because him and mum just found me and they can see that if Ben goes and they have to separate us it won't be a good idea so if ben makes it'll stay the same but if he doesn't the my mum and dad will adopt Parker and Dawn and move closer to our university so they can keep the little two at their new place but Parker and Dawn can also see us. "Snow, we're heading to the hospital to see Ben, are you coming or are you going to stay here and wait" Scottie called throughout the house,

"I would love to stay but I'll come, it's been a while since I last went to visit him" I called back "just give me 10 minutes to get dressed" I added, he didn't answer but I could tell that he got it, I got dressed in some fake ripped jeans and a singlet with a low cut leather jacket and a pair of new vans, I made it downstairs with a smile to see my Captain waiting for me at the front door "hey" I said stopping in front of him

"Hi" he answered before wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me to his chest and smashing his lips to mine, he pulled away a few minutes later and rested his head in the crook of my neck "alright we have to go now" he said leaning back, I nodded and we both headed for the door hand-in-hand. When we got to the hospital we had a nurse run up to us straight away and say

"Are you the family of Ben Pierce" she asked, we all nodded "well he just woke up but I'm so sorry, he doesn't remember anything, he hit his head really hard and as I have said before to some other family members when he was first admitted that on impacted we didn't know if it had done any damage until he woke up but he has lost his memory but he can get it back but we don't when and anything can trigger memory" she added , we nodded again "you can go in to see him but take things slow" she said, I nodded as we started walking in the familiar route to Ben's room, Scottie and I were the first ones to walk through the door followed by our friends and siblings.


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