Oka x Reader

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A/N- OMG MY FIRST REQUEST YASSSSSS IM SO HAPPY!!!!! Anyways this is for MidnightFoxlin and just remember one thing, Anything is better than Twilight *Shivers* Yuck (Author-chan was forced to watch ALL Twilight movies by her best friend ;-; the slumber party was like the most sterotipical slumber party EVER like it had freaking pink everywhere and it was the fucking theme..... She was not amused XD) ~ Author-Chan

You went up to Oka in the 'Occult Club' "Hey, Oka...?" Your said lightly tapping her shoulder cause she was facing the skull "Y-yes, (Y/N)-Chan?" She answered shyly "Well, Daku-Kun (he is a best friend in this one shot) told me that I should join the 'Occult Club' cause of my interest in the paranormal." You said "Yes, we are devoted to the research of supernatural and paranormal phenomena...witches, ghosts, vampires, demons, aliens, psychics, and time-travelers are all welcome here. Anyone who joins our club will develop a resistance to horrific and terrifying things...or succumb to them...he he he..." She answered a bit more confidently "Okay." You laughed a bit, Your sense of humor being as odd as hers "Well, I think I'd like to join!" You chimed happily "y-you...actually...want to join...?..." She asked quite surprised "Of course! This seems very interesting." You replied "...this is wonderful news...perhaps the world isn't such a dark and lonely place, after all...um...anyway...you're an official member now..." She said and smiled
*Slight time skip to after clubs*
You walked up to the roof and watched the sunset. ' It's beautiful' You thought just as one of the doors opened "(Y/N)-Chan!" Oka said running up to you "Yeah?" You laughed "It almost time to leave..."  She panted "Okay one minute Oka, we'll walk home in a minute, I just really love the view from the rooftop" a You said gesturing toward the sky "... Wow..." She said completely in awe
*Another shitty time skip for leaving school*
"(Y/N)-Chan?" Oka blushed "Yeah, Oka?" You hummed hands behind you head "Well since it's Friday and we don't have any homework... I was wondering if you wanted to maybe... Sleep over?" She said quietly "Sure! Sounds like fun! I'll go to my apartment and get my things when we get there!" You said calm and happy 'Yes, this it awesome I'll finally be able to spend some time with Oka! Well other than like the 50 classes we have together...'
*ANOTHER time skip*
"Hey Oka!~" You chimed very excited "Yes, (Y/N)-Chan?~" she giggled while making popcorn "I found a good movie!~" You said stretching the words that came out of you mouth as long as you could without going for breath "What are we watching?" She questioned "Well~ I was lucky enough to have my cousin in America send me (Favorite scary movie)!" You said about to explode, cause not only was it violent but it wasn't in Japan yet, so the fact that you had it was amazing it was dubbed in Japanese! "YES!!!" Oka squealed "Wow and I thought I was excited!" You laughed. Oka was shy around groups of people but if it was just her and a friend or 2 than she can be loud and fun. As you two got situated, she got the popcorn and drinks, while You put in the movie and set up some (aka 1000000000000) blankets and pillows to make sure you were both comfy on the floor.
*Half way though the movie skip*
Oka somehow made it onto Your lap but You didn't question nor did you mind, it was actually quite comfortable, Your arms were wrapped around her waist and Your chin rested on top of her shoulder, As she just snuggled into Your embrace. "Oka..." You said and lifted your head off of the small girl's shoulder, She turn her head and asked "Yes, (Y/N)-Chan?" Those eyes, that hair, hell, her voice could make a demon become sweet 'I can't take it anymore!' You pressed you lips against Oka's but she didn't kiss back so you just pulled away only to be yanked back by Oka smothering her lips onto Yours and you gladly kissed back happy you weren't rejected by the cute girl but, sadly this could only go on for so long cause of a thing called 'Air' so you both pulled away panting. "Aishiteru, (Y/N)-Chan..." Oka panted "I love you too, Oka"

After the kiss you two went to her room to cuddle and watch movies all night, until "Hey (Y/N)-Chan isn't LGBT illegal in Japan?" Oka asked "No, but people will probably be like 'WTF' or 'That's wrong and disgusting' but I don't mind as long as I'm with you..." You said and snuggled into her "Awww" Oka cuddled back
*Time skip*
Well all ended happily cause nobody cared what sexuality you were (well some bitches did but fuck them) and accepted you two


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