Prologue- The day that started it all

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<Nikki POV>

26 May 2012 -- -- The day that started it all...

 " If you're not gonna be loyal to me, Why don't we just end this relationship you decided to start?!!?"

"You want it through?! Fine! I'm done with all this! Just don't come back begging for me again!"


I look out the window as my brother drives me to the One Direction Concert in Beacon Theatre.

"I back out, I don't wanna go to the concert yet." I moan at the passenger seat.

"And waste your dream and 450 dollars just because he dumped you?" Todd stares at me intently through the mirror.  "Nikki, He's not worth the shit you've been talking about, for the eighth time this day."

I know Todd is my brother , but jeez, he's not getting what i feel here. "I know but..."

"But you love him." He responded. "Nikki, He's not worth it, Just forget about it for the night. You know millions of girls would kill to get front row tickets and a backstage pass, at least make the most of it. Maybe it will be a step for moving on."

I'm not even ready to take the next step, not yet. Its too sudden, and its quite harder than it looks. Thats me, the girl who takes the longest to heal a wound, and yet, this is the deepest.

"Ehh, but..."

"It will be fine, I swear. Now, why did the guy dump you?"

"Uhh, ehh" I don't wanna talk about everything just yet, its too traumatic to think about, and no, its no simple dumping incident, its the incident where you caught your boyfriend red-handed with your childhood best friend. And seriously, he was the one to dump me!!! Dumb...Pathetic...Stupid, alot can be used to describe Brian, and its real facts. So thats why i never wanna talk about it. So instead, I change the topic... "Well, Its just a few blocks before the venue, I'll just walk and wait for Bridget there." 

"Okayy" He answered, sounding discontented. "Stay safe!"

"I Will." I smile contently as I shut the car door and walk to the venue with the crisp air of New York blowing my hair in such a mess.

I just walked for half a block and the line for the entrance started at that exact area.

The line isn't getting any shorter, so I opened my shoulder bag and took out my phone, and sometimes I wonder how did I fit a small teddy bear and a notebook in a small gucci bag. Then, I press call for Bridget's number.

 "Ello?" An Impatient voice answers after the third ring.

" Where are you, Bridge??" 

"Oh Nikki!!! " She Beamed. "Stuck on traffic, by the way, you can go alone, I'll just meet you at the line for the Meet and Greet.."

"Yahh, Hurry up anyways. The line's longer than what I thought." I answered, 

"Okay.."  She replies.

"I think, can I back out from the concert?" I said out of the blue.

"What? No!"


"Oh --sszzz-- you're breaking --sszzz-- I'll call later --sszzzz-- Bye!" The Irish lass hung up.

No Choice. Ughh.

+ + + +

The concert was a blast, well, for them other fans.

Why though? Well try going on a concert after your boyfriend dumping you.

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