Chapter 7

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And we wonder why I haven't ended up in a mental asylum.. *sighs* it's on my bucket list I swear XD ...


Night was now falling, and any attempt to see oncoming traps was an epic fail. The moon wasn't even visible, covered by the gray clouds of the early night.

"We should have brought a flashlight," Julian mumbled. They couldn't even see each other- that's how dark it was.

"We can imagine one."

"Don't you think I would have thought of that earlier? It doesn't work," Julian snapped.

"Why are you getting angry at me? Excuse me for trying to offer some help!"

"Well, you're not helping!"

"Can we just stop arguing for a minute? Stop being so difficult, Julian. A least I'm trying to help on a mission that I wasn't even supposed to go on in the first place. If it was in my hands, I would have been home eating Nutella and watching Sherlock Holmes. So at least try and make things work out here," Adelaide bit back. "You said it yourself. As much as we both hate to admit it, we have to get along for this to work out."

Julian knew she was right. He's the one who practically begged for her to help him, and yelling at her every now and then wasn't the solution.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. "It's just the pressure of this whole thing is getting to me. It's been a long day."

"I know," Adelaide sighed. "I'm sorry, too."

"Friends?" Julian reached out his hand in attempt of 'making temporary peace' with Adelaide. She smiled and shook it gently.

"Friends," she confirmed.


The trail up to Mendela was quite amusing to walk on, so far. Casanova and Adelaide were, for once, not arguing, but rather getting to know each other.

"You like the color blue?" Julian asked, eyeing Adelaide up and down. "You seem like the type of girl who likes pink and stuffed animals."

"What am I, five?" She teased, holding up her hand to prove her point. "Well, you don't seem like the type of guy who likes Red Skittles."

"Well, looks can be deceiving," Julian shrugged.

"Yeah? Look who's talking!" Adelaide defended. "You contradicted yourself, because you said the same thing."

"I guess I did," Julian said with a grin. "Then it's only right for me to say."

"You're weird," she said with a frown.

"So I've been told," Julian smirked.

"Someone told you that you were weird?"

"Yes," Julian said. "And good-looking."

Adelaide groaned.


The first, orange-hued rays of sunrise kissed the still dust laden rubble with the same lovable care as the undertaker with the recently departed. Those soft rays that should have brought warmth and comfort to the new day only acted to solidify the reality of their yesterday. Adelaide and Julian both wished with all their might that the sun would rise faster so they can continue walking to the enchanted town of Mendela, which on a daily basis would be occupied with mythical creatures, or otherwise deserted city. Unfortunately, you can't argue with the sun.

"Is that what I think it is?" Julian asked in awe, staring far ahead.

Adelaide, on the other hand, squinted her eyes in frustration. "I don't see anything."

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