chapter 7

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Jayden POV

I was  looking for my class. According to this paper my class was five classes down from where I am now.
I was currently in front of the office looking over my schedule. Now all I have to do is move my feet and count five classes down. So that means my class was actually the six class. Room 19 that's where I should be going.

I was about to  began my walk  down the when my phone  went off  indicating that's someone was try to reach me. Looking at the screen I can see that it was my mother. I started to debate with myself is I should answer or go to class. 

Answer  the call it is. "Hello mother what do you need?" I could hear her starting to laugh on the other side ,but it wasn't the type of laugh your hear when someone says something funny. This was different it's that type you hear when someone state's the obvious.
"What do I need oh my gosh.Vince do you hear your son. What do I need." Great my father was in the same room with. I could still hear her laugh.  " I need your ass to tell me why your brother isn't to school with you."

I  started to role my eyes before I answer her. Sighing "mom don't you think it would be better if you call him and ask him yourself instead of me seeing as Nick told you I was the only one to this school." How do I know it Nick.? Well seeing as I was  just in his office and he ask where my brother was. Be sides  who else would tell my mom only one of her sons came to school today.

"Jayden wow your why haven't I thought of that .You're so smart." She was being sarcastic I can tell." Don't you I think I know that. I just want an honest answer before I call that brother of yours." Oh that's why ,but if I tell her she'll probably curse at me even tho I didn't do anything. " Mother can you but dad on the phone please."

" Marco's pizza my I take your order."  My dad everyone he always tried to be funny but it doesn't work. ". Dad he didn't come to school because he wasn't feeling it. Now that you'll waisted most of my time I have to get to my class now.  Good bye."  Hanging up the call  I look and see that I just spent twenty minutes wasting time.

Walking further down the hall I stop when I notice I was in front of my class. Room 19 art Mr .Clear. Knocking on the door I waited for some to day come in .I didn't want to come off as rude on my first day. Maybe a week from now.

Walking in the class and look at the teacher.  I can tell he was one of those strict types .Wait that's all ladies and gentlemen's. This lovely man comes with big rem glasses and a mustache and big as my bag strap.

" Mr .Nerio how nice of you to bless us with your presence. Please take a seat."  I walk down the row of desk and chairs I saw that the girl from this morning was in this class. Smiling at her I went to sit by her. But there was a little problem . A red hair chick was sitting beside her.

Upon reaching there desk I turn to the red hair girl. She  was quiet cute with her  red hair and green eyes.  "Hi can I sit here please I need to talk to Milly." I said pointing over to the girl beside her" Uhg sure no problem." She  was blushing and I didn't even do anything. I look down at her book to see what her name was. Beverly it kind of suits her. " Thanks Beverley your awesome.' ,I said and kiss her on the cheek. Boy she was truly blushing now. I waited tell she found a new sit before I took her old one. I turn to Milly to see her staring at me as if asking me why the hell am I here.
Smiling at her I start to talk to her
" hey Milly am Jayden Nick's cousins.I don't think you probably introduced our self this morning." She was blushing probably remembering the events that accrued thus morning.

"Also about this morning am really sorry about that ,but if you'll wanted to get freaky in the office you should have lock the door." Her face and neck was red now. I wanted to laugh but I didn't.
"My name is Emily not Milly. Plus no need for you to bring up this morning." She was embarrass.

" I know your name is not Milly. Its my new name for you.  Beside where going to be the best of friends because your going to show me around the school and to my classes. " all she did was say OK then turn toward Andrew

My bad mean  Mr.Clear who was glaring at me.  All I did was smile back and him then turn  my and the clock to see only five minutes where left in this class. Oh where did the time go.

I did it. I update after what seems
like forever.

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