chapter 2

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Once arriving to school ,I could feel the hole atmosphere change.Some thing was totally different about today. I can't really put my fingers on it.

I walking inside the school to see some of the girls fixing their faces. Which they do every day,but today seems like they are really making an effort to impress someone. I wonder if we have any events for today that required them to do this. Nothing came to mind so i just started to walk to my locker.

Walking down the hall you could see more girls doing the same thing.
What I don't get is why they have to make so much of and effort to get who ever this guy is. I'm just assuming its a boy,but if it was a girl the boys would have been done the same thing i quess.

When I finally reached my locker I saw my friends Isabel, Catalina and Bry'anna standing there waiting for me. At least I hope so. Isabel was the second shortest out of all of us. She is also the oldest being 18.Next was Catalina. She was the second oldest.I love to call her kitty cause of her name . she really hates it when I do that. Then their was Bry'anna. I call her Nana. She older then me by I week.a hole week.she is always rubbing it in my face.Beside

Calling her Nana some times kitty call her bry'bry and I also call double D because she have huge boobies. We are always make jokes about each other .we would not be us if we didn't.

"Mornings guys." They didn't seems to hear me so I went to pull kitty hair. Why kitty cause she was the closest to me and I know after I did that I would get their attrition especially Isabel see as that's her best friend and should would beat up anybody that touched her.she don't care the person has a vagina or a penis.The same the goes for kitty.

"¿Qué demonios te pasa .tiene loca culo niña ." kitty tends to which languages when she is mad. I love getting her mad.she knows it . I doubt she is mad cause she love me.
"Wait who the hell at you calling crazy .double d over there is the craziest out of all of us". I said while pointing to Nana.

Nana:" hey leave me out of this."
Kitty:"Whatever Nana!".
Me: "Also I'm not a little girl ."

Kitty:"What ever why did you pull my hair."

I look down not wanting her to see the smile on my face."I did it because I said morning and you guys completely ignored me.I mean who the hell does that."

"Where sorry chica we were looking at the door to see if bry boyfriend was here yet." Thats what kiity said. I was the only person in our group that didn't have a boyfriend. Hey I'm not complaining.

Speaking of boyfriends jack ,chase and Bruno came by my locker.Jack was kitty boyfriend of 3 years,but they were friends since the diaper days.
Chase was isabele boyfriend and also kitty twin.I quess that leaves Bruno Nana boyfriend. He looks something like the singer bruno mars. I think they might be related, who knows.

After saying hi to jack and chase I divide to ignore Bruno. "Sup melody". I didn'tanswer him .which he hates." so your just going to ignore me ?" " yes ape can I be of help to you."
"So your not going to tell your godbrother hi." He started to pout. "You wound me Mel." He said placing his hand over is chest.

" I didn't wound you good enough cause your still breeding."
"Why are you so mean to me ,all I ever wanted was your love ."

" If all you wanted was my love why did you leave me.your carry my heart. You broke it into tiny pieces and thrown it in my face. All the things I did for you did they mean nothing to you Bruno." Tears was starting to roll down my face.
" I'm sorry .I'm so sorry .I never wanted to hurt you.I couldn't face you please please for give me."

"Guys people are staring at us.",we where intorupted by our group of friends. I think it was jack that's said that." Do you guys have to do that every morning we come to school. We know you guys are good at acting ,but leave that for literature class."

If you hadn't guess already we where acting. "Whatever man your just mad cause you can't suck."
"Hey does any body know what's going on today ?"

"Nope why do you ask Mel?"

" you guys haven't notice what some of the girls are doing Isabel "
They all said no ." You guys open y'all eyes and look around .it's like they are getting ready to meet the hotest man alive."

"Now that you mention it,they seems to be getting ready to meet the prince of England to see if they can win his heart ❤❤❤."

" I just said some thing like that you stupid ape. I thought Apes are suppose to be very smart. I guess planet of the Apes lie to me cause this one is to dumb.Nana can you return him to his home planet."

"Mel be nice "

"But I am being nice ."

"No your not."Bruno replied.
Just as I was about to tell him shove it the bell rang for first period.

" come on Isabel and kitty we have math's with Mr.Riley."
Thank good ness our class was only a few steps away.Cause I was to lazy to walk up the long stairs.

Even though my friend distracted me I still can't help to think about what is going on in school today.

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