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         The rest of the Liberators have shown up to clean up the mess of the factory. Merlyn watches as they take away the madman's body. Off to his side, Flo's adrenaline rush had worn off, and the reality of her sister's death hit her.

         The Liberated are all fine. Sylvia is asking blood from Andy, who is also a hemophiliac with a high blood regeneration and body-part regeneration. Roman watches the two of them out of the corner of his eye as he talks with Dere. He can't tell which one he's talking to right now, but he believes it's Tsun.

        Away from them, two others stay away from the four. Perennial, who is currently in one of her four seasonal personalities, Autumn, tries to get away from Luna, who is part of the Soruna mix, to distance herself from her before Sol comes. Though she looks female, she turns to a male every time the sun is up. No one knows what sex the body is, so "it" is the accepted pronoun for the body. Oh, right, both are also perverts who easily nosebleed. They hate most transes. The Soruna mix, I mean.

      The leader offers his condolences to Flo, and gives Merlyn an off-stare. Merlyn doesn't react. Sam's funeral would take a while, but Flo is free to invite anyone who knew Sam. She decides to only invite their other sister, Voca, because she knows that Voca would invite others who knew Sam (and others too, but Flo thinks she can take them).

      Merlyn is thinking whether he should attend, too, and how James Ceiphus is doing. The leader does invite him, and Flo gives the both of them a stink-eye. Merlyn shrugs. His mission is over, and his righteous fury has been spent. He takes out his iPod, puts the earbuds on, puts on his hood, and listens to Skillet as he goes home.

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