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          Fire. The most bipolar of the four elements stated by Aristotle. Sparks of electricity ignite a puddle of chemicals, sending a burst of flames that consume everything.
         Merlyn Curie. Wielder of the Mercury sword. Defeating Pollux the Soulgone, he looks around for the two interlopers. He smells the acrid scent of burning oil.
         A fire breaks out somewhere in the facility. All prisoners flee from the facility. They are subsequently placed under the custody of the Liberators.
         Two Liberators run from a madman. The madman gives chase to the Liberators. The fire follows them.
         The madman fires shots. Most miss, but one strikes the younger of the Liberators at the heart.
         The Liberator collapses. The flames engulf the Liberator's body, leaving nothing but bones.
         Soon, the madman catches the remaining Liberator. The Liberator struggles. At the same time, Merlyn finds them.
         He is about to execute the madman. The madman threatens to kill the Liberator if Merlyn tries to execute him.
         Merlyn is torn between duty and his personal divine code. But there is no need to decide. The Liberator suddenly slumps.
         Believing the Liberator to be dead, Merlyn grips his sword, preparing to strike.
         Suddenly, the Liberator's eyes flash open. She stomps hard on the madman's foot and snatches the gun away from his hand, all the while getting out of his grip. Before anyone else can react, she shoots the madman at point blank in the end.
         The madman and falls dead on his back. Merlyn stares at the body, kneels down, touches the skin above the heart. His mission has been accomplished, but this-- this is the first time the target has not been killed by him.
         He looks up at the madman's executioner. Merlyn then realizes that he was only called to the factory to meet his destiny.

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