A Beginning

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*Third Person View*

Charlotte is 12 years old now. A lead singer in her school choir and guitarist in her school band, she has everything going for her. She has two loving parents, a protective older brother, and a baby brother on the way. However, not everything is the best in her house.

She looks up to her older brother like a role model. And George looks down on her like an annoying little child. No matter what she said, George would ignore her. It put a lot of stress on her.

George is in high school. 16 years old, he's already famous, due to his father. He's the lead singer and guitarist in his own band, Punk Shark. Not only the fact record labels were begging for his signature, the ladies also begged for him. Between middle school and his age now, he had went out with numerous girls. His sister, Charlotte, was a nuisance to him. Well, most of the time. Deep inside, George would hurt anyone who would harm his sister. He was rebellious, and sometimes that got in the way of his actual personality. But every teen had their rebellious stage, and that's what shapes them into the human they are. George secretly regretted the way he treated Charlotte, but did not show that around his friends at all. He had to show he was the alpha in the house, excluding his parents.

(*Charlotte's POV)

I hated school. Sure I was the A+ student every teacher loved but I suffered. I never showed it, even to my closest (or who I thought I was close with) friends, not to my parents, not to my older brother. A baby was on the way and I felt that I would bother everyone with my issues and would add more stress. Uncle Brendon hasn't been visiting lately, and I'm upset by that. He's the only one who I could talk to about my issues. I think my parents said he went on tour, but I'm not so sure. Ive asked George to take me to go see him, but he refuses and shoos me away.
I don't know what I did to him. Was it because I existed? Did he not want me to be in this family? I've had these thoughts for a long time now. They never leave my head. I've told myself multiple times that they love me no matter what I think, but my brain overrides those thoughts and I start to cry. I've cried for the last few days now. George walked in the one day then turned around and left. I'm not sure what to think. I'm not sure anymore.

(*George's POV*)

I'm worried for Charlotte. She's been crying for the last few days. I can hear her in the room above me. I was going to go talk to her, but didn't know what to say and turned around and left. I hit myself for doing that. She's my baby sister, my world that's two feet shorter than I am. I could never lose her no matter what. I guess that's why I can't find a girlfriend. All the girls I've dated hated her and didn't try to hide it. I get that I'm famous but me and my sister and the baby on the way are a package deal. You get one, you get them all.

(*Charlotte's POV*)

I started crying again. I heard George talking on the phone. I tried to listen but I couldn't hear anything. I started doing my homework, but the thoughts came back. I walked over to my window and stared out. I knew I was talented, gifted in some way, but I couldn't understand it. I understood music was my talent, but how did that make me gifted? My dad always told me he was happy that I got good grades and showed off my musical skills, but what was so good about that? Why didn't I have everyone wanting my autograph like George? We have the same talent, except I can sing. Am I just another kid in the spotlight? Was I just someone they used for fame?
I stopped myself. I was not some kind of prop for my parents and I would not be thinking about that. I knew my parents encouraged me to become the way I am because they knew I was gifted. They didn't have to push me, but they knew. I laid on my bed and stared up at poster uncle Brendon gave me. In cursive it read: Darling, don't worry about others. Worry about yourself and yourself only. Uncle Brendon loves you baby girl.

I smiled. Uncle Brendon knew how to cheer me up. He was the only one who knew about my secret and kept his word. I made him promise me he wouldn't tell anyone, not even aunt Sarah. I loved that about him. He always knew how to keep secrets.

(*George's POV*)

I heard Charlotte crying again, but for only a few minutes this time. I heard her shuffle on the floor, stand still for a few minutes, then walk over to her bed and lay down. I sounded creepy listening to her every step, but I had to make sure my sister was okay. My dad called for me and I got up. Right before I even stepped forward, my phone rang. It was Amy, the closest friend I've had and the singer of our band.
George: Yo, what's up Amy?
Amy (in a whisper): I need your help.
George: What's wrong?!
Amy: Some guy just walked into our apartment and demanded he see me. I don't know who he is, but he keeps threatening my mom with death if she doesn't let him see me.
George: Shit alright, I'll be over in ten. Do not move at all.
Amy: Bring the police! I don't need you to get shot George.
George: Alright, alright. Don't move.
Amy: I won't but hurry.

Honestly, I loved Amy and if anything were to happen to her, I'd be dead inside. I was thinking about asking her out, but she was dating some douche who treated her like shit. She would have cuts on her face after he had attacked her for not answering her phone. I know she doesn't love him. I just don't understand why she doesn't leave him...

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