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Yooooo. So if you guys haven't read the first book of this thing whatever you call it, go read it. I was going through some tough times writing the book. But I've gotten through with it.

Anyyyywhoo, I wanna thank my lovely followers/readers for totally being up for a second story. I luv you <3

I'm gonna try super hard to keep a schedule but no promises :(

In an unrelated topic, I need my computer fixed.

Anyway I love you guys and I missed y'all

P.S- the story switches from George to Charlotte and maybe sometimes third person idk. I'll let you know tho 😊😊

(Yes I already posted this. Don't ask why I got rid of it in the first place. I don't know what I was doing???)

Our Sibling Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें