"Looks like we came at the wrong time" Kai smirked.
"We'll get out while both of you having a fun and touching moment" Kai said teasingly.
"Kai.." D.O placed his hand on Kai's shoulder and shook his head.

"It's good to see you're back, hyung. I'll talk to you again" D.O winked at me then both D.O and Kai get out of the room.

"Your head is made up of rock..." Chan Neul mumbled, her head is still rested on my chest as she was still hugging me.
Her scent relaxed me and distract me from the vision or images I get from the incident's night and in my dream.

"And your head is made of steel" I chuckled as I stroke Chan Neul's hair gently.

"I don't know you missed me that much" I said teasingly when Chan Neul tighten her grip on me.
Chan Neul cleared her throat and get off from me.

I could see Chan Neul's cheeks reddened as she lowered her head, not dare to make an eye contact with me.

"Are you feeling better, Baekhyun?" Chan Neul asked after a moment of silence.
"Should I be okay after I jump off the cliff approximately 25 meters down?" I asked in sarcasm as I eyed Chan Neul who looks shy towards me.

"I see you're feeling better, we should get downstairs and fill our stomach, especially you, Baekhyun. You had been out for a week" Chan Neul said.

My lips curls into smirk. I missed to messed around with Chan Neul.

"Feed me, mommy" I puckered my lips and my puppy eyes shines towards Chan Neul.

"No roofus, no" Chan Neul exclaimed. "What the hell with roofus" I asked as he crossed his arms.

"It's a spontaneous dog's name" Chan Neul said and I hissed.
Roofus is so-not-glamor name of a dog.. And did I heard it right? She's going to say I'm a dog?!

"You're going to say I'm a dog?!" I asked in disbelief.

"You know aegyo won't work on me, Baekhyun" Chan Neul chuckled as she stands up and dust off her shirt.
"I'm more like a puppy than that roofus dog" I pouted and shines my puppy eyes again in 5 m radius.

"Stop it" Chan Neul smack my flawless face lightly more like she just high-5 my face.

"Well, is that your way to say thank you after I saved your life?" I asked and rested my back to the headboard.
"You almost killed us! No, you almost killed me the moment you pulls me to jump off the cliff. Suho oppa who saved us not you" Chan Neul said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Look at yourself. You're the one who clutched onto me tightly that night" I said with a smirk and Chan Neul's ears and cheeks reddened.

My lips curls into smirk. I loves how I affects Chan Neul.

"I want to eat" Chan Neul was about to stand up but I put my right leg on her lap.

"Why so soon, babe?" I asked flirtatiously and winked. Chan Neul's face scrunched as she struggled to escape from me.
"Isk! Moved your leg! It's heavy!" Chan Neul shouted.

Something clicked on my mind.
"Does your feet recovered?" I asked, watching Chan Neul struggling with one of his leg on her lap.

I wonders if she try to acts weak or she actually that weak to move my leg.
I sighed when he think that he need to protect her 24/7, thinking that she couldn't be able to protect herself.

"There's only scar, scratches left.." Chan Neul said. She sighed in relieve when I pulls my leg off from her.
I take a glance on her legs and saw bandage covered her feet, make her small feet looks bigger because of the bandage.

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