She smirked and nudged me in the ribs my eyes shifted in the direction she was looking at, my breath hitched at the perfect timing as a single beam of sunlight broke through the slightly overcast sky, illuminating the fiery glow of the beautiful redhead, dressed in a simple white vintage style dress. My eyes never left my green-eyed bride as she was escorted towards me by Ben, She reached out and squeezed her grandmother's hand as she passed her giving her a smile before turning her gaze back towards me.

I reached taking her hand from Ben, still unable to pull my eyes away from hers even as the pastor began to speak.

"Today there will be no dearly beloved, no betrothed, and no ancient rhyme of the married.

Today there are no dead languages to solemnize vows that are very much alive and will remain so for a lifetime.

Today promises become permanent as friends become family.

This day is about love.

One of my favorite authors once wrote, "If love is not all, then it is nothing: this principle, and its opposite, collide down all the years of my breathless tale."

Lacey and Amelia, your breathless tale continues.

If love is not all, then it is nothing.

If love is all, then it is everything

Love isn't just a word; it's an action.

Love isn't something you say, it's something you do."

"Amelia," I said stepping closer, I placed her right hand over my heart. "from the moment we met my heart learned to beat once again, though our love has been tested time and time again destiny has seen fit to grant us our new beginning, I stand before you, my heart never wavering, my love unconditional. I am as I've always been yours, from now until my last breath, and even then I will fight death himself for even a few moments more with you."

Amelia's teary eyes matched my own as she stepped forward to bring us even closer together. Her hand never leaving my chest. "Lacey, never has anyone made me feel as loved and as safe as you have, even before we've met you have saved me so many times before," her voice broke into a whisper. She handed her flower over to Jackie and retrieved a picture frame from her. It was the one of me and Lauren, the one I've learned she has always turned to for comfort before we even met.

"even when our lives moved in different directions, I knew when I first looked upon your image my heart belonged to you. It will always be yours, Ley." I pulled her closer and resting my forehead against hers as I looked deep into her eyes

"As mine will always be yours," I replied.

"And even though we describe love in different ways — and even though love can look different from one person to the next — we all know it when we see it." The pastor spoke,

" This marriage is complete. Where there were two, there is now one."

Just as we've done since we've first stepped foot back into Columbus a year and a half ago we gathered together at coach J's to celebrate with our family and friends. I knew this would be a constant place in our lives, since moving back into my childhood home with Lauren, Morgan and my love, my wife Amelia. I smiled thinking how great that sounds 'My Wife.'

"Captain De Luca, Gunnery Sargent Crawford." Morgan and I turned to be greeted by another familiar face, we stood immediately.

"Major," we saluted.

"At ease." She saluted back before smiling. "Lacey I hear congratulation are in order is this your wife?" she hugged me and looked at Amelia.

"yes, Major Davis, This is my lovely wife Amelia,"

"Call me Alison," she said taking Amelia's hand.

"It's nice to meet you Amelia answered leaning into me

"Morgan It's good to see you," she said pulling Morgan hug before being introduced to Lauren.

"Alison, Damn it's been a while, what brings you here," Morgan asked dropping the formalities.

She sighed and I knew, I turned to Amelia and frowned as I pulled her close. She pulled back enough to look at me her smile fading, Babe, What's wrong." She hugged me, my body tensed.

"Call of Duty," I whispered.

They just can't seem to catch a break.... Sorry folks........

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Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Where stories live. Discover now