It's probably been hour later and I'm too tired to wait even longer for HaeWon. She's probably in her room. I know how it feels when you fight, she's probably hurting right now, I can help her out maybe.

Like how she helped me...

I use a bobby that HaeWon have me to escape the room.

"Take this." HaeWon takes my hand and puts something small in it.

I open my hand and see a small, thin, black clip. "Umm, HaeWon, what is this?"

She looks out the room then back at me. "It's for escaping this room. Use it if you want to take a shower, go for a stroll, maybe visit me." She says the last part with a wink that makes me blush. "Use it wisely, though. I'm doing this because I trust you. I've seen your broken nails, don't hurt yourself, please."

I smile warmly at the clip before using it to unlock the door. I slip out of the door without making a single peep and rush upstairs.

It was easier than I thought to get around the halls. No doctors, or staff, or any security guard was in sight. I giggle a little as I reach HaeWon's door.

I open the door quietly, so I could scare HaeWon and hear her cute squeak or adorable blush.

I peek inside the door and see no one, but I hear voices.

"Chanyeol!" HaeWon shrieks and giggles. "Stay still, silly!"

"I can't, it hurts like crazy!" Chanyeol replies while laughing too.

I drown in my own angry thoughts as I close the door and run down to my room. Tears line the bottom of my eyes, but I blink them away and slam my door shut.

 Tears line the bottom of my eyes, but I blink them away and slam my door shut

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I growl in madness as I punch the walls around me.

"Two-timer!" I whisper. "But we're not dating! How could I get so stupid to feel this way about a girl. A doctor."

I hide my head under my plastic pillow and scream my lungs out.

I couldn't stop.

"I trusted you. Here I am, feeling so angry because of you. I'm stupid, I'm stupid! I'm stupid to think that you cared for me! I'm stupid to think there was a possibility to us being us. I'm stupid to feel this way for someone who didn't DO anything wrong."

For probably 10 minutes later, I feel someone's presence.

I look up, my eyes were sore from me crying and my hands harshly rubbing them. I see HaeWon looking at me with such a sad and scared expression.


"You see how bad this is, right? You see how much I'm suffering right now, HaeWon...right?" I ask her while breathing loudly.

"Jungkook, what's going on with you?" HaeWon enters the room without hesitation and kneels down by my side.

She really is brave and fearless. I admire that so much.

I couldn't help but smirk at her. "Darling, my sweet baby girl."

"Why are you calling me that? Jungkook, please tell me what is happening to you? What caused this?" HaeWon asks me questions and places her hand on my shoulder.

I take her hand and push her onto my bed. "HaeWon." I hover over her with the same smirk on my face.

"Jungkook, what are you doing? Answer me." She doesn't show a sign of fear, which surprises me.

I couldn't help but to feel motivated. I'm letting anger take over now and that's something about me that's hard to change.

"You hurt ignore go after someone else after giving me many come back here and treat me like a friend that's dumb enough to not have feelings about you..." I growl and lean closer.

She furrow her brows. "What are you saying, Jungkook? I don't understand."

"Of course you don't!" I scream.

"Again with the unreasonable fight you're trying to start!" She growls back, probably the HOTTEST thing ever, and pushes me off the bed.

She straddles over me to hold my legs down and holds my hands down.

"You think you're strong....but you don't know how much of A BEAST I can become when the button is pressed." I chuckle.

"But I-" Before HaeWon could debate, I flip us over and push her hands down.

"The button has been pressed, doctor."

Sick? || JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now